Legion Brewmaster skillset

I’m not sure how many other brewmasters there are that feel like me. But can we just go back to our toolkit of multiple brew chugging we had in legion? Was it that hard to maintain that people didn’t like it?

I believe if they just added a few of the artifact weapon traits baseline and gave us back the two brews as they were, we’d be in a much better spot for both sides of the game. I’m probably wrong and Brewmaster is just fine.

But I also wish blizzard would just make the spec feel like it flows better. Reduce the cost or give us free tiger palms to fill our rotation when we’ve got nothing to press. And I’m not sure, but I am FIRMLY of the belief that stagger is double dipping in pvp combat. We’re taking WAY too much damage for that mechanic to not be working like it should.


This always happens to me with brwm. We went into wod and we had chi explosion and guard, so that felt great, but we lost it going to legion. Then going into bfa we lost keg toss AGAIN. I do miss the old mitigation, but they somehow have kept brwm relatively fun, imo. This iteration is probably my least favorite, but still fun for me.

Needing to press a off gcd button every 7 secomds isn’t fun.

If TP was free would the only point to energy be for SCK? At that point I would just remove energy from the class.

Imo stagger should be 100% effective vs magic at least in pvp. I think the bonus 40% damage tanks take in pvp isn’t being staggered.


Brewmaster isn’t a anti magic tank. Literally always been designed that way, and if adding any strength to that happens it negates Blood DKs by a massive margin.

Can’t really comment on the fun factor, but I will say ISB was way better for PVP because we could control our stagger boost generation.

If you knew there was a rogue in stealth, you could pop pop pop and waste their MFD, or have time to grab them out of stealth, etc.

As it is right now, brews have absolutely no way to generate shuffle outside of getting the first hit in combat which puts us at even more of a disadvantage than taking an extra 50% damage in pvp.

We are ludicrously unbalanced in pvp because of pve redesigns, and the poor implementation of the damage penalty and how it interacts with stagger.

We take and extra 50% damage in pvp, but have no magic protection or stagger generation. Try going up against any affliction lock and watch yourself get melted through cooldowns. It’s beyond sad.

You know how all tanks are in a really good spot right now? People like when things are balanced. Having a magic tank and physical tank is just lame.

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Just remove shuffle and buff stagger. It is quit pointless.


Tank valance for RBGs is awful. It’s bear or burst right now. Which is really sad.

I also really hate the tanks kiting in pvp. Not exactly engaging content to chase a efc.

Tanks are specialized to certain things, some are stronger in areas that others aren’t, it’s literally just how it is designed.

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And it sucks.

right now. that comment is null and void in the current pvp meta. Bear druids are literally the ONLY tank you take post 1800. And even before then you take ONLY bear or vengeance DH. there’s no other option AT ALL.

no other tank is mechanically viable in pvp with the way things are right now.


dont blame it simply on brewmaster design. I was 2200 on my brew last season. The issue is the blanket nerf to all tanks with the dmg increase, and the amount of straight 1 shots there are this season, along with the new flag stack system.

and of course, some tanks like pallys being neglected by blizz in pvp and instead of having bubbles reduce dam taken wit ha flag, you cant bubble at all which is a huge portion of their defensives.

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Maybe I should have been more specific and less vague than “no other tank is mechanically viable…” when referring to only vengeance and DH druids having the most success and viability with the "current’ meta.

You mentioned “last season” as in not this season where burst and certain specs have had their damage pushed even further. And a “few” special candidates getting 2200 doesn’t make the point invalid. I was referring to this way things are at the moment. You’re referring to “past tense” circumstances.

And this my sound contrite, but what was your brewmaster’s name? I’d love to see what you were running then or how you built your team’s comp around it.

And to circle back to my previous statements, we’re speaking as a whole on the current meta with all tanks. Bears have an insanely strong, well-rounded toolkit on top of a really good leggo set up. Vengeance is close but not that far off. The other tanks were and have been NERFED hard to the ground when getting any where close to bears damage and healing.

Again, I never once referred to brewmasters “specifically”. I was talking as a whole.

gotcha. Yes current meta is terrible, but its not really around the design itself as it is the “meta” and just blanket changes blizz made instead of fine tuning certain tanks in PvP. I would love to see them make real actual changes to tanks instead of just nerfing them to the point where only 1 is actually viable.

This is my brew, and if youre ever curious about what someone is running or their alts, use https://check-pvp.fr/us/Tichondrius/Kanstilxd


I had a feeling this was your brewmaster after some digging around. And yes we need more changes to tanks in general. These every four years or so of the SAME meta is just a joke. I really and truly believe blizzard needs to get their pvp and pve teams TOGETHER.

They for sure need to balance tanks specifically and individually. I’m hopeful for changes to the meta because good lordt we need and deserve them. No class like druids and DH should EVER be the top specs for years on end.


Mechanically viable doesn’t matte rif you just grind out games. I’ve played brew at 2600 in 2s and 2900 in 3s this season alone, and there’s Brewzin on EU who’s been playing it at 3k+ into substantially harder teams.

Blood/Prot Pala are also viable, just in different dimensions. Prot pala obviously recieving a massive shaft recently.

And then there’s prot war that is on the come up.

So wat lol

biggest hurdle to playing a tank in PvP after finding its niche, is finding people who will play with you. you can get anything high rating tho.




grinding out hundreds upon hundreds of games doesn’t equate to a spec being good or competitively viable. ANYONE can and will get rating eventually if they slam the face against a wall and just chug through it. that’s not what we’re advocating.

The discussion is to widen and or strengthen brews toolkit to help with their problems in the current meta or in pvp in general. and you say you’ve played games at 2600 and whatever but a lot of your games are in fact WW. we’re trying to help BrM mains.

Brew probably has one of the best toolkits imo. The issue is the blanket dam they take with their low hp. which would be fixed if blizz removed that for brew.

aside from that, maybe give them slightly more dam, but that will be fixed with the 9.2 4set

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