Legendary Staff/Daggers in Rated PvP content

Would like to hear the community’s thoughts on whether or not the legendary items of Cataclysm should be allowed in rated pvp content. For a competitive mode to have these super powerful items may cause a large player base that does not have the time to obtain these to disappear. In my opinion it’s not fun to lose and the only reason for that loss is that you didn’t have time to PvE and obtain an item that boosts your damage(not skill). I love WoW PvP and would love to continue playing in a fair and competitive/skill based atmosphere. Liking the current season so far but I’m afraid of what will happen once these legendary items are brought in. Thank you for your time and please share your thoughts! <3


They never disabled them in the history of classic. No time to start now.


They absolutely should be disabled in pvp.

I played between 2200 and 2300 last season and 95% of warriors, dks and rets had smourne. These players gate keep the teams that don’t have smourne by simply pissing out 20% more dmg than other players.


I agree they should be disabled in PvP but you being stuck in 2.2 in wrath is on you lol


Homogenized pvp gear comes with MoP as they were trying to turn wow into a legit esport or something. Just let cata be cata.


How powerful? If hard-stuck 1200 players get glad because of these weapons, then maybe they are too powerful.


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just glad my class doesnt use them lmao
I’m sure everyone over challenger will have them just like wrath classic.

that’s the game though

i wish i could do whatever the opposite of liking a post is.

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The streamers will burn up their american express getting carried by booster guilds. They will dominate the upper ratings as per usual. May the best credit line win!


they wont, not because of the weapons. its just good for people to have the scapegoat when they do lose to them. :laughing:


All of the top pvpers are gold buyers so 100% they should be banned in pvp considering most of them cheated to get theirs anyway.

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Insane cope


Smourne was not hard to get though

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Are you saying it doesn’t make sense that in order to be optimal/best in pvp, you have to pve?

Because you would be right.


Please kill the daggers in pvp. Unless my rogue partner gets it, then leave it alone, of course.


Daggers are better than pvp weps, but they aren’t even bis for rogue in s11 lol.

Forget the name of the 1h axe from DS but it has an aoe dmg proc. All the top rogues on pservers use 2x of them + proc dmg trinket to giga delete people lol.

Dont even need normal or heroic

The raid finder version procs 10k dmg and heroic procs 12k lol very easy to get all the s11 pve items from raid finder and GG.

That’s crazy. Although I’d be concerned for the proc breaking blinds and traps unless it really is that broke

Yeah forsure that can happen, but its mostly used in a bomb solo dumping into someone with a partner that also has proc weps lol

i can clearly see legendary mats being individual drops this expansion given the short timeframe

Yes this is the main reason a lot of players are playing Cata. There are some awesome PvE items in Cata that make PvP far better. I personally want a Souldrinker for my Prot which makes you a Raid boss. The best part of Cata PvP was the PvE gear because it’s build defining.

PvP gear isn’t really interesting and pretty boring. That’s why Cata PvE gear came to the rescue.