Legendary in TWW

Well making weapon’s interesting can’t be too hard, I would say making acquisition that feels better is more important.

I don’t think we’re going to see a legendary in the first part of this saga. I think they may be holding onto it until midnight and then letting us use it through the last Titan.

This is a really cool idea actually!

You don’t want a legendary for your class, or else you’ll be balanced around it.


I mean that’s fair, and I think as a casual I am probably way out of touch on the subject, I just love seeing them out in the wild and getting to Gawk over the players that do have them.

It was a big problem in s3 of DF because all the plate classes that could use the legendary axe were at the bottom of the meters because they were balanced around having the axe.
The best solution I can think of is to keep a legendary rare via making it require multiple mythic end boss kills to obtain, that way you don’t have to balance around it and those who do get it can be justifiably OP.

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Yeah, when I finally did get the drop on my Evoker I was completely over it already with how many heroic runs I had done. Before they actually put luck protection in.

I don’t think a 1% drop, or a drop of any sort, is really the way to go. It should be a huge undertaking/collection. Something fun to work on for a good part of a patch.

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We can finally have that Mormon roleplay we’ve all been praying for.

I would be really surprised if priests didn’t get a lego somehow involving Xal / the dagger at some point this expansion. It would be super in-theme.

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Sometimes the legendaries are okay, but the RNG acquisition is a bit rough without strong bad luck protection. I also didn’t like how grindy the axe was last expac. Some of those steps were just a way to really punish you for getting the drop. I much preferred older legendaries with some exceptions.


The more people who have it, the more bland and nerfed it has to be to be balanced.

That’s a conflicting statement, seeing as every legendary was an RNG grind fiesta except for the cloak and ring. Because everyone got the ring and cloak however, they were relatively un-impactful and boring.

A pair of armor-agnostic boots, which adjust their armor value and primary stat based on the wearer, called “Xal’atath’s Feet”. Naturally, your feet change in appearance to hers and there are no actual boots.

I feel like borrowed power is always going to be borrowed power. I already feel the same way with the non-legendary ring that we get from Siren’s. Legendary items have always been a part of the game. I can’t see them never adding them back in.

Maybe they can do a Atiesh, Shadowmourne, type of system?

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Oh I’m sure they’ll add them back in, and they’ll be mandatory for high end content again because whoever gets it will be balanced around it. The only way to not have to balance around it is to make it so only a very small number of people get it.


I kind of hope not… Legendary items never really fit into modern wow. They went from something special to something classes are balanced around.

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This is the sentiment it seems most people in the thread have, and I guess I can understand.

What was the legendary from last expansion?

The orange axe

Legendaries should only exist as very difficult to obtain xmogs or glyphs that only affect appearance rather than power.

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