Legendary in TWW

So we didn’t have a legendary in the opening season, and no sign of one in season 2, what are everyone’s bets on what the legendary will be come season 3?

Maybe the remains of Xal’atath’s old priest dagger or something.

Or a fractured Atiesh, reforged into a one-hander with a wand or something.

I’m betting, like 90% that it’s going to be a caster legendary this go-around.

If they decide to make one, probably in the final patch like Fyr’alath for DF.

A reformed Atiesh of some sorts sounds interesting actually.

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Hopefully nothing. Tired of “legendary” stuff getting introduced that we have to put a lot of effort into just for them to become null and void at the next expansion.


Best way is the mop way where you build it up over an expansion.

The cloak quest was awesome


I mean that’s the same with any chase piece though and it resets every season Really.

The very rare drops from Nerubar.

I mean those are cool, but aren’t labeled as legendary.

we cried so hard about legendaries last expansion that they decided not to do one, is my guess.


Nah, there won’t be. Too many people just get whiny about them. Even when it requires beating a raid multiple times to acquire, so none of the content is balanced around having it, some folks still get it in their heads that they “need” it.

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But everybody knows it is very rare, from LFR to myth.

The rare will be Xal’Atath’s Lacy Lingerie, a pants slot item that looks like its name. We’re finally getting legendary underwear!!!

I feel like that would be sad, I am a pretty casual player these days, but I do enjoy seeing legendary weapons, even if they aren’t useable by me. It’s cool to see them in the wild and to see people destroy meters with them and such.

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Golden shiny Bear, Cat, and Moonkin forms.

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I agree. But for a lot of people the destroying of damage meters becomes their right, and how dare blizzard deny them that??

Hopefully none. Neither the axe nor the evoker weapon were particularly interesting

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Yeah, I can see what you are saying I am probably out of touch on the topic, but that does make sense. I guess this isn’t like back in the day, I remember my brother and I just being in awe when we used to see someone with the glaives, or shadowmourne a couple of years after that. But I guess I can see how people nowadays if they don’t have it just feel crappy because they can’t compete until they get it.

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it will be a caster wep. probably xal gal dagger alike thingy.

Brewmaster legendary that gives them massive dubs.

I hope it’s for a class I don’t play like rogue or warrior. I don’t want to be balanced around getting a very low drop chance item then doing an annoying grind quest with huge gold sinks. Blizzard’s formula for legendaries recently sucks so much.