Legendary gripe

Geez my man, seeing the best in people is so gross, but I respect it.

There was more context to that.

This getting more out of hand than I expected.

If all you gonna do is do personal attacks over providing constructive conversation. I think it is time for ya to leave the post. Also you see the title. Don’t just come in here trying to start something. This post is about salt.

I will state this again and clear:

The legendary in my opinion was implemented wrong. Should everyone be able to get it? Yes. I 100% agree people should be able to get it, easier than RNG. Let it be via getting AOTC or some other sort of achievement to be able to obtain it. Do I think that it being RNG then a quest chain into grinding is kind of crap? Yes. I do. I rather work towards something over it just being RNG. Do I expect change? Gods no. This is Blizzard after all. Has there been evidence of other legendaries being easier, more accessible, and well frankly not as convoluted as this one? Yes. I play games with the intention of getting goodies and loot, and etc. I am a firm believer that if you add X thing in Y game, it should be accessible to all. Disagree all you want, but this is a salt post. Expect in some people’s terms ‘crying’. I’ll keep grinding and hopefully Blizz will clarify more on this topic in the future


4 heroic kills, rest on normal. 1 normal kill doesn’t count because it was before the reset of the first mythic sark kill, haven’t even seen anyone in my raid loot it, despite doing it on LFR and normal in the weeks where it was unclear whether or not we had to farm all.

I’m getting real tired of this bs.

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Agreed! It has almost pushed me away from Evoker but I want live out my Dragon Fantasy. I just hope they will actually see some of these posts and realise maybe we should do something

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Legendaries in legion were dog, full stop.

No, you’re dog!

In any case, I wasn’t talking about the random gear legendaries, I was talking about the relic weapon specifically, which is what all the quests and lore were tied to. Much like what the current race/class legendary COULD have and SHOULD have been in a sane world.

Artifact weapons were dog too

Agree to disagree. I know there were issues and grievances with them (as in all things in WoW) but overall I considered Legion one of the most satisfying expansions. It felt very personal to have a weapon that was class specific. That had its own story and quests and customizations. It made me proud to have earned all that on my chosen class.

But this time it’s Blizz saying " Hey guys, the new dragon dudes can get a legendary off the last boss if they’re SUUUUUUUUPER lucky (and rich). It has a quest and everything. You’re welcome." Very impersonal. Very lame delivery. Very costly for no apparent reason. It’s like blizz is saying “Weeeeellllllll, I GUESS they deserve a legendary since it IS their expansion. Just hurry up and throw something out there so we can get back to working on the pally remake.”

Wow has become a seasonal game a long time ago, legendaries like sulfuras and thunderfury made sense in classic where they were actually good for years, they were even good going into burning crusade. This legendary has a shelf life of 1-2 patches and is on a similar level of rng to the above, and it would already be plenty rare just from the questline requirements, most people aren’t going to chuck the 200k(or more considering more legendary drops=more market manipulation) on an alt.

The drop rate is much lower then it should be considering what it is in the current game. Anecdotal as it is my raid group has gotten 2 mounts 3 cloaks and 0 evoker legendaries with an average of 2-3 evokers per sark kill.


I just wish they’d made it like Dragonwrath; have the quest item be a guaranteed drop, but if they want to gate it so “not everyone can get it,” then add a solo challenge in there that is too difficult for your average player. Dragonwrath had it with the event where you infiltraded the nexus.

They could have kept the grind/crafting and put a cap on the amount of quest-only materials you could get per week, so people might take a while to get the legendary, but still feel like they were actively working towards its completion.


To be fair, this would make the forums even worse with people complaining about elitest skill gating.

I have less issue with this remaining the way it is than many do… But if they could do it all again, I think the quest item being a guaranteed drop and one of the materials required dropping off raid bosses with MUCH greater frequency as you go up in difficulty is the best option.

That way, normal and LFR Andy’s could still get it but much slower, and maybe one-two weeks of mythic clears would complete it, and maybe a month of heroic or more.

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Seems strange to say considering you literally commented on my comment about having to play my hunter over my warrior because of legendaries that weren’t dropping, and you never once used the word artifact or weapon. Then again, you called it a relic so we’re all over the map here.

Everyone got their artifact weapon first thing, so you obviously knew I wasn’t talking about that.

The main discussion is about a weapon. I thought it was pretty self-evident. You’re the one who brought up the other legendaries and how you felt they were bad. The relic (artifact, w/e) is much the same as every other legion leggo, though, in that it came with a unique ability, so the difference is potatoes and potatoes anyways.

But just to clarify, I wish that evoker had been given a legion style weapon with its own unique traits, a sprawling story, and the ability to keep it current until the end of the expansion and beyond. It seems fair, as they are the only class that doesn’t have any such relic, past or present, yet Blizz decided to make it just another drop.

It’s about as impressive as a Diablo legendary…very nice to have, but in the end who cares. Which is why it’s so troubling that they made it such a pointlessly hard trial to get in any case. It could have been a great experience for all evokers, but it’s just another piece of loot locked behind a terrible drop rate followed by a minimum effort questline that apparently only takes about a day and too much gold.

Do I still want it? Of course. But it could have been handled better. Which seems to be evoker in a nutshell.

Yeah true, we didn’t have the best healing spec last season and arguably the best DPS spec in this one .

And one of the weakest and clunkiest DPS spec last season and a heavily nerfed healing spec this season, yes. It’s been a rocky road for those who have stuck with it.

I shouldn’t be surprised people are defending a system where a person can get a legendary drop in LFR while a mythic raider can run mythic sark for weeks and see nothing. Not saying people who run LFR shouldn’t be able to get nice things, but that’s absolutely stupid. Mythic might have a higher drop rate, but something like 2-5% higher is like throwing water on someone’s face and claiming it’s a rainstorm. Wrong, pointless, stupid.

“Well would you rather there just be no legendary at all?”

Yes, yes I would rather that. There’s no prestige in something you got lucky enough to roll. I respect something like CE, I don’t respect a random low drop legendary.

I have played this game since vanilla, you can verify that via my achievements. There has never, ever, EVER been a point in the game’s lifetime when people liked low/random drop legendaries. not Thunderfury, not sulfuras, not the warglaives, not the (multiple) bows, not the legiondaries, etc. Nobody likes this god awful system and yet Blizzard continues to cling to it. With Val’nyr, shadowmourne, dragonwrath, and the daggers yes only 1-2 people per raid could generally get it, but it was usually via guild nomination and going to someone willing to put in the work. That’s a community decision that requires good standing with a guild you’re supposed to be dedicated to, and then elbowgrease, not just “oh sweet I won the lotto on my 2% drop chance!”

Honest to pete. You can accept that the legendary itself isn’t gamebreaking (and thus not mandatory) and also acknowledge that the system it comes from is bad. Because it is. It is a bad system.


“Defending” is very different from “not throwing a temper tantrum over” but go off king.

Hyperbole and gaslighting. No one is throwing tantrums and arguing against the WoW development team’s game decisions is how they learn from their mistakes. Don’t be a sheep advocating the higher powers. They can (and have, many times) made mistakes, and at least part of the community that it directly affects has spoken against it.

You’re perfectly at liberty to argue against them in favor of Blizzard’s choices, but don’t belittle others by constantly calling them children.

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This is an interesting stance for you to take considering your posts are nearing a quarter of the posts in this thread.

I don’t see how the current state of the legendary is conscionable. Wow is currently a seasonal game the legendary could very well be nerfed next patch if it isn’t outright powercrept by a new raid item which very well could be less rare as a “very rare” caster weapon has been due for 5 raids now. This makes it different from classic/bc/wrath legendaries where if you lucked and manipulated your way into one you were set for a long time.

Its also a bit in poor taste to have a product of the legendary: the new spec have its lore steeped in the questlline for the legendary, not to mention that the legendary was clearly made with augmentation in mind and yet the only way to see it before hand is to have luck on the level usually reserved for mounts or watch the entire quest chain on third party sites which is just…

I for one am sick of 1% rng one drop a week bis items that make a class, especially the one I’m playing right now a gamble to compete with. I hated it with rogue last expac wit the sylv daggers. I hated it with the raz bow which was far stronger the the “real” legendary from sylvanas. Having rare and desirable items are all well and good but they should be made with the intent that if a player played the entire patch for several months they should be able to get it a month or two before the next one just to be able to feasibly compete with other players doing high end content that the legendary is relevant for.

It feels especially bad since gearing this patch is otherwise trivial to gear in to the point where you could just keep making evokers because the legendary is the sticking point and gearing the evoker that gets the legendary up is trivial in comparison to getting the legendary. Its reminiscent of that part of legion people sometimes forget where a character’s value was determined by rng for the first half of legion because of legendary rng but this time its on once a week drop chance like a mount, extra insulting because I’ve seen the mount from this raid drop but never the legendary.