Legendary dropped tonight..im not crafting it


Did heroic abberus tonight… and the legendary dropped and was doing the quest chain… little did i know what it took to craft it.

My idiotic self thought i would just get the legendary as a completion reward…

Nope, you have to craft it much like Fyralath… and boy is it not cheap.

Im not the type to farm gold. I have about 100k spread across 3 toons…

And the steps needed maybe feel uneasy and made me log off my evoker and log on my shaman

I dont want to craft it… for what?

Naszuro doesnt even sim that high compared to my Vekash.

Im just …disappointed and i see tons of evokers getting their legendary every day.

Would i like to have a legendary? Kind of but the amount of gold it takes when im poor… im probably alone in this but i dont see myself crafting this legendary.


It’s not supposed to amp your DPS.

It amps the crap out of the ally it buffs, the buff adds loads of overall through the course of a fight/key. Kind of goes hand in hand with what Augvoker brings to groups.

But you are certainly right about the crafting and the cost, it is pure nonsense. Its such a soul-less greedy grab to get players to buy wow tokens.


This late into the expac I don’t see the need to get a legendary weapon so I didn’t bother.

You’re not alone.


oh by elune
requiring a legendary to be crafted is to make professions useful, not some 9000 iq 4d chess bobby kotick scheme to make you buy tokens


The only problem with DF legendaries I see is the drop rate. I think it should be guaranteed at around 6th heroic kill, few less/more for mythic/normal.

Craft requirements are completely fine. They make profession bit more alive and it doesn’t even cost THAT much, from WoWhead topic it looks like reagents cost around 150k(I could be wrong).
Even if you’re not the farm type of a player you still could save that amount + tips for crafters in few weeks just by doing WQs and selling trash. Which again, I think is completely fine for a LEGENDARY item.

But I can see why you could be frustrated, only getting a chance to craft a legendary at the end of expansion doesn’t feel great, I bet. Which could be fixed by just buffing the drop chance.


I love MMO economies, making gold is one of my favorite activities.

I still don’t like legendaries taking a lot of mats, prefer them being relatively easy to get with a grind to power them up equivalent to the content you’re progressing.

At least they’ll be cheaper now that mat markets are falling at this point in s4 though.

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I mean ok.

Blizz cant seem to win the leggos these days.

They should just make them impossibly rare again, and a long quest chain. Then ignore the complaints from gd about ppl not getting it. Probably easier.

Slap “time sensitive” on there to preserve its “prestige” to so ppl force themselves to farm even.


I think when I crafted my sark lego it was like 250-300k for mats basically 1 wow token at the time. It’s kinda hard to not have gold if you play the game abit.

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This is entirely false. Perhaps even a lie. If you are a PvP player, or hate crafting, or don’t do WQs, or more realistically a mix of some of the previously mentioned, guess what? You’re broke. I do AOTC and higher end M+, I have to consciously do WQs which I hate just to maintain 20-50k gold to buy mats and enchants and such for doing content. I don’t want to to WQs ever, but if I don’t I can’t play the game at the level I do. Even still when the axe finally dropped for me I would never have been able to make it if I weren’t given over 180k worth of mats for free, plus 60k I sank into mats and tips, and it has taken over two weeks to get back to the ~50k that I keep so that I’m not a pauper.


“Whoah, Blizzard has been doing a bunch of new things that people don’t like, they just can’t win!”

Yeah, they can. They can literally just go back to the WotLK model for legendaries.


Yeah these morons infest the forums

“Oh well Blizz gets negative feedback on low rng legendaries that classes are tuned around, oh and this xpac they even added the quest lines you guys wanted (while I the imaginary person willfully ignore that the quests are gated behind atrociously bad rng) Blizz just can’t win with you people!”

The forums are dominated and narratively controlled by those who go into a battle of wits unarmed.


keep the quest come TWW prices will drop to nothing and u would be able to craft it for 1/10 of what it cost now

i did the daggers when it was current , it cost me nothing

helped a bunch of taragosa staffs it costed nothing , same goes for Mace/Axe in woltk

the only legendary that still costly and for good reason is thunderfury


considering it amps up your allies but I don’t believe it buffs you any… you’re not missing out on anything not building it. When is aw it’s effect I gave up on it entirely for my Evoker as it felt like my actions would be in some way demanded or controlled by my team and I don’t play the game to do everything someone else tells me to… I like my freedom. Evoker specs only get two of those channel abilities but Idk…the idea that those moves only buff my allies… made the legendary fist weapon feel like a collar and yeah no my evoker shall keep their freedom thanks. I mean hey the cool downs for the channeled spells isn’t that long but I still had fears and a bit of dread that if I had that and if I raided I’d have people telling me not to channel till they told me to and…yeah no thanks. The fist weapon should of relied on freedom like buffs entire party plus user or idk speed buff and CC immunity…you know freedom but…given we had no true freedom of visage I guess it was silly of me to think the legendary for evokers would involve freedom or anything. There…I said my piece…have a good day all I’ll see myself out

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I agree legendaries should be an insanely low drop chance for all raid difficulties with no balancing around having it, gives people something to hope for each kill without making it mandatory and whoever would actually get it to drop would be a very popular player lol

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You mean it’s purely by accident that Blizzard made a decision that resulted in purchase of more tokens leading to more profits? That sounds like a real tin foil hat theory.


I am crafting it, cos I like the toon it dropped on…

And i’m currently 4 hours & 4 minutes into LFR queue for the three amirdrassil boss kills I need.

There’ve been nearly no normal/heroic/mythic runs going & the couple that have were skips (so no volcross).

The whole legendary quest chain is horrendously designed for S4.

Edit: 5 hours 49 minutes for the first wing. Now I just need the second wing for the final one.

Edit 2: So after the nearly 6 hour wait, someone rushed the pull on Igira & I got put in combat before I could use the item, so now I have to repeat it.

Feeling pretty good about a few of those design decisions right about now.


To be fair, it was designed for season 3. At least amirdrassil is awakened next week, lfr will get a bump up in queue times.

Im on the grind too.

About 100/200 leaves and 30/50 rares. Hoping to be on the next phase by the tuesday reset.

So you purposely choose not to do simple activities to make gold and then claim you don’t have gold got it.

It’s like choosing to have an expensive hobby irl and work part time and then complain that the cost of living is too high.


Ok, so the quest items will go back to dropping on what is now group loot, so guilds will annoint who gets the legendary to funnel the items to and the rest have to wait their turn. One legendary crafted every 4-6 weeks.

And it will be almost impossible to obtain from pugging.

That Wrath model? I’m sure that will have zero complaints.