Legendary dropped tonight..im not crafting it

lmao, good grief. “9000 IQ 4d chess”

uhh no it’s pretty straight forward and simple. Blizzard trying to incentivize people into buying tokens is pretty obvious by anyone with half a brain.

if you are doing higher end m+ if you are indeed high enough then join with a carry community and sell m+ carries in your off time.

remember when legendaries would drop from bosses without needing to craft them

The only point in crafting the leggos if they drop at this point is if you just can’t live without the mogs. And they aren’t even that great of mogs, so…


I know, disciple…

Believe me… i know, thank you all for the support and comments. I truly appreciate it.

Unless you like the mog or care about the achievement, IMO there is no reason to craft the lego this late into DF.

I’m glad getting best-in-slot PvP gearing involves no crazy amount of gold, and pay-to-win is not part of PvP at all unless you’re buying a carry.

Shadowlands Legendaries put a sour taste in my mouth.

Either make it like Legion, a drop that’s FREE, or give me no Legendaries at all.

You can pretty much tell it’s to drive token sales.

They should go back to TBC’s, Wrath’s, or Legion’s legendary acquisition systems.

But they lively won’t, because there’s no $$$ for them to extract.

Now the staff from cataclysm. I do need to get around doing that legendary. To this day the staff would be awesome to have. Ill pick up the staff for the mog and achievement. :slight_smile:

Then how’d you figure it out?

Noticed you were one of the people who ‘liked’ that LGBT hate thread, by the way.


Swapping my lego out in a sim for your 515 Vakash with sophic on it is a 20,486 dps loss. That doesn’t even account for the group dps loss from the buff jumping.

Don’t make the lego if you don’t want to by all means, but your simming is very questionable if this was your result. It would still be a very large improvement over your current weapon.

It absolutely buffs you, lol. It will jump after a while depending on who is running cd’s, but you still get the buff plenty.

This is not how the buff works, and you absolutely would never hold your empowers to time the buff.

Materials price for the axe has dropped over 50% since s4 started, sure the same has happened for the Evoker one. Whether it’s worth it to you is debatable. I don’t mind the new “profession” related semi-quest chains, but do agree that the RNG for the initial drop was excessive. Although I did get it solely through LFR. What you SHOULD be able to do is skip the “attunement” chain by spending bullion. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

Also, how are people so miserable at making gold?

You can get ~7000g every 3 days per character just from WQ and dragon racing.

If you aren’t swimming in gold at this point in DF:

  1. You weren’t trying
  2. You spent it
  3. You just started.

Love it when people give themselves away by liking those threads, thinking the rest of us won’t notice.

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Cool and that’s somehow related to the point I made how?

Then don’t, it’ll be useless in a few months.

Get it in da future for the mogs

Oh, I made a list.

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The number of likes that post got was legitimately depressing. Saw some names I really didn’t want to see.


I push over 240k on raid bosses. Which is plenty for heroic. You and i raid on very different difficulties.

I have zero interest in beating my head against the wall in mythic and that is okay with me.

I dont NEED the legendary. 150k loss in gold is pretty significant to me if i dont spend 20 dollars to craft a legendary with a wow token.

Honestly I would but, I don’t want to because it feels like work. That the main reason I don’t like the economy side of wow. I deal with it and make what I need to anyway, but I try to minimize it because I don’t like the feeling of “working” in my leisure time.

I didn’t say you needed the legendary. Nobody does, even at bis gear it’s not game breaking.

I specifically said don’t get it if you don’t want to, lol.

But for those considering making it, they should know that it is still a decent DPS increase.