Legendary Costs

fix this, cost way to much gold


You could farm the mats yourself. It’s free if you do that.

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Bro, It’s 200k+ per piece. No profession should be making that gold when other professions have been gutted over the years. This legendary system is literal garbage.


legendary = 100K not 200k

This is a bad system. Especially if the best one for your spec changes over the expansion or if you play multiple specs. I get they’re expensive because the makers have to farm or buy the mats.

My server is 200k. Also each gear type has different costs lol

So, you’d rather they make all professions worthless then?

I don’t disagree, but what I did was sold some of the progenitor essentia for 50k each to raise the funds.

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Really now?

WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP examples

WoD had many of these that you can rank up throughout WoD

All of these were alot of gold to buy during their times

Did you look the other way when they released these during their times?

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I’d rather them not focus on 3 professions and then tie it into player power to that extream. It’s like if they took a flask and made people use 2000 nightshade to make 1 flask and then gave you 2500 Agi/Int/Str on it.

No, on my server they are literally 200k+ right now.

it’s because you play on NA

legs on EU = 100k token = 300k :sunglasses:

The legendary system actually incorporates a few different professions. I’m going to guess they you’ve never actually crafted a single legendary.

Hyperboles are never convincing. :sweat_smile:

There is a fix, making them yourself is free


Not sure about anyone else but the legendaries dont seem to be selling. Started at 250k now its 195k and we just seem to be cancelling and reupping them whenever someone lowers the price.

Lol, The Onyx panther isn’t tied into player power. Nothing you linked is lol. I think you fail to see the point here lol.

If you’re not doing anything but LFR you honestly don’t need a rank 7 legendary

If the prices cost too much then feel free to make it yourself

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Upping Progenitor Essentia drop rate is about the only thing they can do dev-side to bring the costs down without causing massive backlash, and obviously they have to be careful with whatever that buff would be. Time will tell if the drop rate on these is already adequate or not for the market. Though I would assume it’ll be fine, given the data they already have from Korthia, and Korthite being near identical.

Reducing mats involved is another option, but less universal across all the pieces, and then there’d be issues of people who already invested the current mat cost and are unable to sell pieces at current sale value before such a change.

Ultimately, these threads will mostly be gone in the next week or two as the market stabilizes. People have made this complaint at every patch, and every patch the prices quickly drop to a fair market value. Then the only ones left complaining are the ones who want to put zero effort into earning gold in any capacity. We still had people complaining about 30k pieces a few weeks ago. :man_shrugging: