/script print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(57010))
yields “true” and this is the quest right before “An Unwelcomed Advisor” 58496 [which is yielding “false”] that starts the 8.3 visions of n’zoth quest which will lead to the legendary cloack. I also meet all other prerequsites so I’m not sure why the GMs are refusing to help. I’ve done the quest right before it and it’s not popping up. I also have Anduin phased in and he does not give the quest either. Does anyone have any solutions? or just want to defend Blizzard’s inadequate service?
I’m now suspecting this might be a bug since it requires level 120 and we’re technically lv 60 now…?
Everything, quests included were downgraded to appropriate levels.
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It is not Blizzard’s job to hold your hand through your questing. And for the umpteenth time, Blizzard’s GMs and Devs do not come to this forum. This constant griping here is unnecessary and hyperbolic. You are not guaranteed any assistance here through these forums. Our SFAs are pretty nifty but what you are expecting cannot be done here.
I do know in the past that previously available legendary quest lines were removed when the next expansion rolled around (i.e. cloaks from Pandaria, rings from WoD) if you didn’t already have it started and in your quest log. Admittedly I’ve not found anywhere that explicitly says that it is still available or being removed, but that may also be an issue? If I’m wrong, I do apologize in advance. Just spitballing a thought.
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I’m waiting for the daily reset in hopes that will do something. I just completed the alliance war campaign just incase that would do something.
I already completed this quest on several other chars. The quest is bugged and I’m not sure what to do. Not asking for quest help.
if ur doing the found momento quest then odds are 100% thats whats causing the issue finish that and you should be good to go.
Thank you for your reply. I did that I’m waiting for the daily reset to finish that chain quest. I’ll certainly update this thread with results.
I just completed that quest chain and An Unwelcome Advisor quest still isn’t appearing. I meet all other prerequisites for the cloak quest. Before 9.0, I stopped right before this Whispers of N’Zoth quest and was waiting to do it but never go around to it. I’ve done it on multiple char’s so I’m not asking for quest help, I understand how to do the quest. I think it’s bugged.
8.3 quests will be pushed to you automatically if you meet the following criteria:
-Are Level 120
-Have the Heart Forge unlocked - See The Heart Forge
-Log in or zone in to Boralus or Dazar’Alor
Alliance Intro for 8.3 Black Empire Campaign:
An Unwelcome Advisor
Return of the Warrior King
An Unwelcome Advisor 58496 isn’t popping up as it should and I completed all other prerequisites, including the broken shore momento quest chain in hopes that would unbug the quest, it didn’t. Support continues to ignore me.
No one is ignoring you Jw, there are a lot of players reporting various issues and those all take time to review and respond to. Your initial ticket was closed because there aren’t any current known issues with the quest and support intervention hasn’t been approved.
If there is a problem with the quest, it’s not something the Game Master team can fix. That needs to be done by QA and the WOW dev team.
You have a new ticket open, and that one is currently in queue like others who are also seeking help.
Just like you continue to ignore that many people have now told you many times that the people who fix these things do NOT come to this forum. All of your posting will get you nowhere here, but it will get your thread locked if you continue with the hyperbole and the victim complex.
And while I get that it sucks that you’re having this issue, you have to realize and come to grips that this is something from a past expansion. Right now I would put my money on the majority of their focus is put on working out the kinks of Shadowlands that have been cropping up. It may be earthshattering for you, but current content is more pressing to get fixed for the majority of players. I would suggest waiting on your ticket, and perhaps popping into this forum or the bug forum now and again to see if someone has found some other way to get around the issue.
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