Legendary Axe Will Set You Back Over 1 Million Gold!

I actually hate how if I want to enchant my weapon, now the mats I can’t get myself just went up almost 1000%

I don’t exactly have a ton of crystals to sell to offset that cost either because disenchanting purples still doesn’t guarantee a crystal!!

damn… really?!

Well, I do I have that amount of gold saved, but don’t feel like spending it on just one item.
So I think I’ll pass.
I don’t have much fixation in legendaries anymore like I use to when I played hardcore anyways.

If its just a time consuming process, I’ll definitely will get it.
But if it involves beating hardcore modes or excessive amount of gold, I’m not personally interested.

I can’t get it anyway, so I can ignore it

You are going to be spending gold… I’ll be MAKING gold!!! :money_mouth_face:


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but do you actually use them?
do you cycle through those 70 mounts or however many you may have?
do you spam those toys?
how many of those pets have seen out of their cages in the past year? :smile:

Hiya. You can earn all the items required or the gold to purchase them by playing the game.

I have all the mats already. Cost about 90k and a little horse trading with guildies


Hey don’t get in trouble with the crafting cartels, I like your posts and don’t want them to put horse heads in your bed :scream:

If the axe costs YOU over a million gold… your guild sucks. We are already gathering mats as a guild for the 4 we hopfully aquire.

I will be when they get DR.

Sad to get an ultra rare drop and being too poor to use it. Great design. :unamused:

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Making a killing on the mats. HYPE HYPE HYPE

3 mil and counting since sunday night
lovely game

i’m happy to take your money, the AH is always stocked up with the finest goods


I’m the poor one.

To anyone who played WoD or Legion AND actively did gold missions on an army of alts most days for the whole expansion.

I’d imagine plenty of people are like me and just don’t do things in the game that they don’t enjoy. I did the bare minimum to get the gear rewards from missions for my mains during those expansions, I did not farm the gold missions because I’d rather be doing something else. I also wasn’t much of an altoholic at the time, so I’d only have a couple characters at the appropriate level anyway.

Literally the only reason I have more than like 15k at any given time is because of WoW Tokens.

… what are you doing in game?

my warrior alt that just dinged 70 has 22k

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Right now just Twinking.

Historically, running Raids and Keys, both of which drain money via repairs and consumables rather than generate money.

Twinks don’t interact with the axe so that’s a moot point.

If you’re buying tokens to get basic supplies and repairs for content then that is very much a you problem.

The game of life, you mean.
I’m not that good at getting $60 per weekend =/

You can’t generate even 200k if you played 48h straight.
Nothing in-game generates 4k gold per hour.
You’d have to swindle the AH if your server isn’t dead.