Legacy Raid Power is Borked

We may not be able to be level 60 for months.


It’s funny how fast you went from white knighting to running away after you got ruined. We all know how embarrassed you are. Posting Simpsons gifs didn’t save your dignity.


Try killing something in the BFA daily’s lol. Blues now require a group with 450+ gear. Hows a fresh 120 ever going to kill anything ? From what i played on PTR a couple days ago to tonight seems like something was changed.


Dude… you’ve got a bare bones spec right now, missing major abilities because we don’t have Convenants yet.

And you’re talking seconds.

Literally not a first world problem.



Does it matter the Time metric? Its double the time, IE half the power…


For OP it’s seconds.

For people not at 479 item level, it means they will fail.

It’s a huge problem that old content can no longer be cleared, especially given that no new content has been added.


You people are so dramatic. :roll_eyes: It’s seconds. Normal people don’t care.


You are so delusional it hurts to read.

HAVE to be Carhagens alt. I refuse to believe there is 2 people this stupid.


Legacy stuff tends to get tuned/hotfixed later. Also could go back to normal when we reach 60.

You’re whining about seconds. When I specifically told you that we’re running bare bones specs that are lacking power due to Covenants. But sure, I’m the idiot. :roll_eyes:

Also: I don’t even know who the hell that person is. But nice strawman. lol

I will get this “fun” after work today lol. If I get past barbershop, that be first place visited for a few chars lol.

Translation: I had no idea what I was talking about, talked out of my rectum, was proven wrong so I’m just going to declare victory and leave.


It isn’t really the point, all of that extra time could mean the difference between mechanics kicking in and someone potentially not being able to do a kill today that they were able to do yesterday.

This kind of crap is exactly why people hate squishes, especially at times like this when there really isn’t much to do but farm up old content for mounts etc.


I think legacy loot was originally developed as a way to make people farm longer to get the same loot, but also (and perhaps primarily) to keep people from running their low levels through dungeons for gear, because if even 1 party member qualifies for legacy loot, the entire party has it forced on them. It was an early anti-twink measure that failed because people were just willing to run lots more dungeons to get that gear.

How about if those seconds cause Aggramar to perform his knockback and kill a toon that could previously solo it?

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God forbid you need to pay attention to a mechanic. LOL It was only one expansion ago. :woman_facepalming:t4:

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How are you so delusional as to believe that this is this an acceptable answer?

We don’t choose covenants until 60 and we don’t even know when the game will release. So according to you, people are just screwed for a to-be-determined-later amount of time and they need to suck it up?

No, Blizzard needs to fix it and you need to remove your head from your butt.


…you’ve never killed Aggramar have you?


Yes I have. Try taking other people like you should’ve in the first place with a new bare bones spec.

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In ulduar my demo was owned mid way and pre pach i would reach the end with maybe 5% damage.