Legacy Loot Coming to Legion Instances

Here we are all under quarantine, and you can’t even tell them this was a good move?


All I want. I could solo MOST of Mythic Emerald Nightmare back in late Uldir/early BoD, but because Blizzard said I “couldn’t” you rarely got loot for it. Definitely going to be solo’ing Nighthold on leather starting next week for the Druid set.

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If you are geared I don’t see a problem on heroic and below. I know Mythic KJ is on the weird side, but outside of him I don’t see a huge reason the rest couldn’t be solo’d. Maybe mythic Mistress might do a lot of damage with spears, but if it doesn’t one shot it is probably easier than heroic since pufferfish adds a lot of damage.

I figured the urzul mount would’ve been pushed personal when it went to 1% and work exactly like the mount for Felhounds.

I like the change, but this is how I feel as well.

They’ve been non-stop telling us we’re wrong and fighting against their customers for the better part of two years straight.

This stuff is definitely nice, don’t get me wrong, but it is odd to see it all now… Honestly, the current dev team doesn’t seem like the kind of people to budge even for a global pandemic haha.

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Heroic and below shouldn’t be a problem. Mythic PROBABLY not, but I haven’t tried tomb yet. I did Mythic EN (besides Nythendra) at like 410 IL solo with no essences or corruption and I would assume a 20 man mythic boss would have more or close to the same amount of health as a 10 man heroic boss 2 tiers later.

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I got like 4 relics from Ily’G before I got the helmet.

Isn’t that a baseline mechanic on Mythic?

This is a good sign.

They acknowledge that farming old content for xmog/mounts is one of the popular things to do.
So its a sign that when they do a level squish for Shadowlands, they will check if the old content is still solo-able (check if some bosses aren’t too OP or not).

So how about those BfA PvP sets?

They weren’t advertised as limited time only like the Elite sets are. False advertising.

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It is a good move, but one right move doesn’t forgive 18+ months of ignoring and actively working against players. I’m not going to give them a free pass on this burning pile of garbage just because they gave me a sandwich.

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FINALLY! now there’s something for me to do in this game again!

No one has ever said that we should forget the underlying problems of the game, but one can laud good decisions so that hopefully more steps in the right direction are taken. Your too bitter.

I’ve said several times it was a good move. That’s my lauding. But I’m not going to let them forget the BS they’ve put us through this expansion. If I’m bitter, it’s through their actions and development decisions.

Will this change also make farming the raids easier and make some bosses doable?

For example, mythic eonar, coven and aggramar come to mind.

This isn’t yet the addition of the legacy buff (which is what makes you do hilarious damage in trivial content). They’ve not announced any other changes to fights, but it’s possible they may make them. We won’t have access to that legacy buff until we reach level 51 after the start of Shadowlands, however, so they aren’t going to yet transition into the kill-the-boss-in-4-seconds (or for many, just one-shot the boss) zone that other old raids are in.

I hate to break it to people who have been waiting for this, but Legacy loot isn’t necessarily going to get you the gear you want. There is no guarantee you’ll get more of your armor type than with personal loot. It’s a sure thing that most everything in Legion content will be relics, necks, rings, trinkets. I’ve done enough old raids in legacy content and gotten only mail and plate on a druid or cloth on a warrior.

4 boxing is the ultimate hardcore commitment to transmog collecting.


but more loot = more gold

Absolutely true. But people who think more loot = more loot in their armor type will be disappointed.

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it has never worked that way though. in wod i run my warrior and i get leather and cloth a lot of the time