Nice, stuff to do!
I wish. ToS was and still is a pain to do for all its stupid BoE drops. DKs are in a tight spot for their Mythic ToS set because of the belt from KJ and BoE boots.
What’s that? Time to do Mythic Argus on my 3 priests to work on their mythic tier now? Thank you! This was sorely needed.
Another amazing change! Blizzard is the best!
Pretty nice!
Great changes lately, keep them coming!
Oh good. I was running out of stuff to do.
We “reached this point” at launch week of BFA. Hopefully you guys can learn from this mistake and not make a repeat performance of this in Shadowlands. BFA content will have legacy loot enabled the second we’re at the new level cap yeah?
Yes please, I would love to farm Uldir loots in SL.
Thanks alot!
This is great but how about you take the time to fix the Mythic Antorus Mage tier set which was horribly bugged with the release of the Ny’alotha patch!? No one is going to farm for these sets if they stay with bugged visuals!
I’ve been reporting this for weeks and months now and it has yet to be addressed. You somehow managed to utterly mismatch half the pieces of the set giving them the color of the normal version while the rest retained their mythic hues. One piece, the boots, are so horribly bugged that the front part of them uses one color scheme while the back another.
I worked so hard to get thus set earlier in the expansion and I haven’t been able to use it for months now. I am begging you, I’ve had my mage as my main since vanilla and this one of my all time favorite sets.
Please, for the love of the Titans FIX THIS!!!
Please nerf Imonar’s sleep canister, that mechanic stops solo players that already have enough power to clear the entire raid.
I applaud this change. This toon, geared in WQ/Emissary gear, can solo Mythic Nighthold already… I’m glad you made this move during these times. Thank you.
Thanks guys!
So happy, as a collector, to have something to do while we’re stick inside thanks to coronavirus.
It would be nice to see Legion Artifacts that you’ve unlocked available for all specs too, and not just locked to one spec. Legion is over now, there’s no need to keep it locked out , open it up for us Transmoggers.
Excellent. The whole “legacy loot vs personal” thing in old raids was a really bad idea to begin with anyway. Great change.
Have to wonder, are these planned changes or is this because Blizzard’s employees are stuck at home and finally playing the game to see how bad so many of these systems feel?
Also, please remember this stuff when going from BfA to Shadowlands. People like these changes because what came before felt bad. If you revert them for Shadowlands to suit “design philosophy” nobody is going to stick around to have a philosophically bad time.
Prior to BfA I’d have said of course it will! Nowadays, who knows?
At first I was like “Oh wow! Super cool!”
Then I was like “Wait a minute… no weapons, 50% relic drops and I don’t like any of the sets”
I wish they also patched bosses that can’t be killed solo due mechanics to soloable, even though right now we don’t have enough power to kill later ones