Timegating is one of Blizzard’s most tried and true MOs. I seriously doubt they are going to remove it, any more than they’ll remove trinkets, rings, and neckpieces from the loot table. The change was designed to make it reasonable to farm transmog loot, not to allow you to get it done in a week or two.
First boss has a mind control ability.
What content are you running and what amount of loot are you getting?
It’s very disappointing to see that LFR Antoran High Command is still bugged with the legacy loot rollout. It’s not possible to get the legacy loot drops from a boss if you can never get to the boss!
This is a very bad change, well, not sure if I experienced a bug.
Why would I be getting cloth and mail drops on my rogue? Horrible change
Is this the first time you’re doing an old raid? Go run something from WoD or earlier - it’s the same way. You get the whole randomly generated loot table instead of probably getting nothing.
Legacy loot doesn’t use personal loot. However, you’re still substantially more likely to get your transmog when soloing these instances, because of the increased loot quantity.
Edit: details of why the new system is better for farming even though you’re getting stuff you can’t equip: Legacy Loot Coming to Legion Instances - #166 by Xaedys-thrall
I did up to Desolate Host in Normal ToS without a problem on my 380ish DK (not this one). I could probably get it done on him with more tries but it would be easier on a character even slightly more geared. You just start taking a lot of damage from Quietus so you have to switch back and forth.
Has this actually been implemented in dungeons? I ran Maw a few days ago after reset and each boss only dropped like 1 bit of loot.
Not sure why you didn’t qoute my whole post.
"You could possibly obtain your legendary cloak on your warlock, and do some WQs to replace your 410 gear. maybe not this week, but I couldn’t see a reason why you couldn’t solo mythic EN in 2 weeks or so if you got a bit more gear on your warlock. "
But I’m realatively certain 50k dps is the requirement to kill M Nythendra solo, most of my toons can achieve this and the ones who do around 37-40k dps would get MC’d around 10% health, my sin rogue was sitting at around 8% wipe than i just used a set of drums and did 53.7k dps and easily killed he after her first infested breath, around 10-15secs before she would cast infest mind.
My Rogue, not the best geared alt, and I believe if I picked up CLF and maybe upgrade Crucible of flame to r3, I wouldn’t have an issue pulling the required dps to kill Nythendra.
Managed to fail at 2%, was close, but I’m heavily dependent on twilight devastation spawning more than once. If only my gear were titanforged instead.