For everything old, expansion specific. So you either farm an expansion and get a currency from everything you do that can be used to buy anything from the old expansion or make an increasing drop % per item, and make it warbound so people won’t cheese it with 60 characters. This will allow people to farm and eventually be able to get everything.
I can’t tell you the amount of times I have been through a raid or dungeon over the last 20 years and still am missing pets and mogs and stuff from over the years.
No lockout on legacy content
Why still do we have 10 lockouts per hour and a raid lockout per difficulty on legacy content? We don’t even need to run alts for some content since we can earn all mogs and everything else account wide now, and levelling characters isn’t exactly an endeavour.
I’ve been spending about 5 hours total casually spamming TW dungeons to level characters to max level, head to the AH, buy some 561+ gear for 1-2K total, add in the warbound gear I have saved and done, I can now do current LFR content and low keys within a day of starting a new character.
I now have enough characters that I can spend a week of my playtime farming old raids and never run out of characters who are strong enough to solo all the ones that can be done solo, so why even have the lockout?
The fact that we still have the mythic instance ID lockout for legacy content is beyond obscene. At a bare minimum it needs to be converted to norm/heroic rules where you aren’t locked to 1 instance ID such that you completely lose your lockout if the raid fails to clear or if you want to resume your clear on different days with different players within the same week.
There just shouldn’t be a lockout at all, for any old content. They should just let us farm to our hearts desire. I don’t know where Blizzard gets their numbers from, but I know I would play more if I could just pick a character and go do whatever, whenever.
Additonally, the moment an expac is no longer current content, legacy loot rules should immediately kick in. We’ve already established that blizz has abandoned the old “2 expac rule” due to the fact that BfA content got converted to legacy during SL. So that’s no longer an excuse. I can already solo most DF raid bosses on norm/heroic and even some on mythic. But to what end? If I go in solo, I have only a 20% chance for 1 item to drop! WTF???
Even that isn’t greedy. There appears to be no rhyme nor reason when it comes to which instances allow mounts and which don’t. Raids going all the way back to Ahn’Qiraj prove that.
I would love to see some sort of loot safety net mechanic, sounds like a nice idea. The lockouts also seem weird and unnecessary.
Also rather than obliterating everything, wonder if they can make a scaled option that increases drops. Imo the items can be fun to obtain due to their looks or features, but usually the gameplay is just a path of destruction… So it being more fun to play and reasonable to progress seems nice.
I think Blizz already quietly implemented something like this for legacy loot. I say ‘quietly’ because I don’t remember them announcing legacy loot for SL, players just noticed after TWW launched that it was applicable to any character over level 70. I think they figured out some way to automate turning it on so that it can be consistently applied moving forward. Y’know, since multi-dollar company Blizzard can’t be expected to do this stuff manually.
This is the sort of design decision that always confuses me, right. Like the gameplay equivalent of Blizzard not making trillions of dollars off a Whitemane Mercy skin during the Overwatch crossover. They want money, they want played time, let us waste away in front of raids.
Being able to learn any transmog on any character is a huge QOL bonus at least.
honestly I say get rid of raid locks for old world content if the character is level 80, I dont see a reason for it to exist anymore since characters share transmog now. If someone is under level 80 then the raid lock comes back.
Has nothing to do with “normal” players and everything to do with gold farmers.
There are some instances where for gold making purposes, its more efficient to enter, kill the first 5 or 6 things you see in the entrance, walk out, reset and repeat.
This, of course, has NOTHING to do with legit xmog/mount farming but it IS a rhing for bot gold farmers, and having an instance limiter per hour prevents that kind of bot farming.
Its not a great solution but it IS an answer to your question.
No Siren Isle is still RNG dependant unless you have the currency for it. Once you run out of that currency you are back to the AH, 1-2K though is nothing. I would have spent maybe 20-30K gold total so far on my alts gear, which is nothing considering the amount of alts I have.
Not actually an answer, because it’s 10 per server, not account, and farmers know this. And any farmer would have a level 80 per server to spam more than 10 instances per hour, and now with the warband gold you can literally pile all your gold into any server you want.
I didn’t say it’s better or worse, I am pointing out it’s stupid to have this restriction in place for reasons, one of them being that there is a workaround for it.
God forbid people should like playing alts. The game should be designed to force everyone out of the game who used to play that way before blizzard decided to make it feel pointless to bother playing, if that’s what someone liked. Let’s just homogenize the game so there is only one class and one role to make people like you happy. There should be only one way to play the game! Creativity or personal expression is degenerate behavior that needs to be eradicated to turn all of you guys into mindless drones.