Legacy buff in Legion

This was an excellent post and summary.
If i could like it more then once I would.


I still remember the Warlords of Draenor stat squish, being excited to do Firelands solo, and hitting for 1000 damage against bosses with 20 million health. I don’t remember how long it took for that to get fixed :S

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I thought they were 51+ in antorus?

I can log in and check again real fast, let me see…

don’t be deceived, legacy tuning way off. Legion content harder at 60 than when I was farming it at 120 before the leveling squish

Blizzard ignoring it

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I just cant remember. To be honest I have been meaning to give legion raids a try ever since I hit 60 but have kinda forgotten. I did nighthold but that was only when I was 50 and before SL fully dropped.

Level 47 is the highest level I see at the entrance of Antorus Mythic 25-man Raid. So, the Legacy Damage buff should be active, but it very clearly isn’t active whatsoever.

I was able to do Nighthold, and I can safely say as well I was not doing any bonus damage in there, either. In addition, none of the Legion mobs’ damages were toned down whatsoever. The only real survival mechanic we have is level advantage.


Oh, my bad. I am doing increased damage, but it’s not much. 5-10k crits, pfft.


I don’t understand why this problem still persists. Do the devs not even care?


Clearly not. But so many people want the transmogs from Mythic Antorus that Blizzard Entertainment must be knowingly and deliberately doing this for some reason.


We would either be 125 right now (unlikely, they don’t do that anymore) or 130, Legion is 110.

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I don’t either, it’s not like players are asking for something ludicrous like all mobs should drop 1000g, we just wanna solo Legion raids for xmog. Maybe I’m crazy but I don’t see a problem with enabling it.

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The 11 level difference needs to be reconfigured, or blizzard just needs to come out and say we are sticking with the 11 level diff for legacy buff to activate and people need to not think of prior expansions (sans cata and mop) as being 10 levels anymore.

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I 100% agree and they should just make content that is 2 expansions old legacy at the start. Not sure why they originally did it like this.

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It’s honestly really annoying and the fact that they won’t even look at it is disappointing.


the knights try to claim it aint so ,but Ive tested it before and after prepatch and it absolutely WAS NOT what they claimed it was going to be.
They moved the goalpost to saying you need to level to 60 and get geared up again before you’ll be able to run the crap you COULD run end of BFA solo.

Ive learned a hard lesson from this company. If blizzard says something, theres a 90% chance theyre either flat out lying…or leaving relevant details out intentionally.


Definitely, I think they are just afraid of people not paying for the expansion somehow piggybacking-off expansion players in order to more effectively farm legacy mog. So in this situation those stuck at 50 in bfa, using 60s to make 45 (legion) content free.

And it wouldn’t surprise me either cause back in Dec 2018 they wanted to turn off 110+ exp locking, and buffed legion content to try and encourage players to level to 120. And with SL (and I can be wrong with this), that the ability to exp locked is gone if 51+. They want all of their hatchlings to get to 60 and stay on their planned expectations of content consumption.

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Its not a huge deal but my 190 resto druid took way more shots to down an LFR throne of thunder boss than Id have expected this many expansions removed.
Obviously just another second or two, but seems like four expansions back would be nearly one shotting even the biggest of bosses.

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seems not.
We’re there to farm, not for the challenge. Literally one shot should be the norm for everything when we’re farming content from 3 or more expansions ago.

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The worst the classes should have been was how strong players were in 8.2.5 (no corruption). Naturally we had 30-40 extra ilvls since that point but I have never seen sims of classes in 8.3 showing of strong people would be if they had their exact corruption gear or at least something in the 470-480 range sans corruption.


I cleansed all of my gear so I had no corruptions to begin with.
Thevye tried that line with me before about missing corruptions, lol…but NEVER used them. I hated the concept of it and would DE my corrupted gear until I was able to cleanse it all.
So it literally had no effect on my experience moving from BFA to SL.

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