Left-Handers playing WoW

I am a lefty who loves this game. Although I have a mouse on the right hand side, I have a Razer Tartarus V2 on the left and all the keys are configured for the keypad. I also have a left-handed keyboard.

If you’re lefty, how do you play WoW, with a keypad or keyboard.

I’m a lefty. Play with a right handed mouse and gaming keyboard.

Mostly because my right hand is not coordinated enough to use a keyboard and my keybinds, so he gets to be a mouse clicker lol


My wife used to use the logitech g10, which is similar to the tartarus, but with an anologue thumb stick. The tartarus is probably the best option on the market now.

Mouse on the left, don’t use any side buttons just a couple extra on the top.

As for keybinds I rest on WASD and primarily use `-4, F1-F4, ctrl modified for all of those as well as qwerasdf. Also have some random keybinds like 7890 and ;

I use a rh thumball mouse with extra buttons and a Logitec G-13 pretty much like what you use OP

What, no foot pedals?

You are probably thinking G13 it is what I use

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Yeah, I wasn’t sure about the number. 13 sounds right.

I am right handed, but I have your exact setup (but I got my game pad 12 years ago when it was called a Belkin Nostromo). And I didn’t know there was a such thing as left-handed keyboard. How is it different?

Same exact thing . They are just mainly used with left hand while right handles the mouse.

But I mean a standard keyboard is designed to be used with both hands. So how can there be a keyboard for left-handed people?

Mouse on the right and I use F1-F6, 1-8, Q-r for spells.

It hinders my ability to move so I don’t recommend it, but I haven’t been able to change it, so it is what it is.

Leftie, right handed mouse, gaming keyboard.

THere aren’t full sized left handed keyboards but gaming key pads that are primarily left handed like the Tararus, Orb Weaver and G13

Those are the best for PTT in Discord!

Ahh I thought it was for left-handed people, but it just means that it’s used with your left hand. I got it now.

The standard right handed set up. Since that is what is pretty much available beyond ones personel PC.

Back in the day we used to burn witches…


Unless they were an acutal witch.