Left-Handers playing WoW

Im a lefty

Right hand mouse. Razer death adder. Love it

And a corsair cherry mx brown kb.


/flies to Drustvar on a broom

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Left handers? You mean devil worshipers?

The keypad is on the left side.
[Lefty keyboard](https //www dot amazon dot com/B945-Keyboard-Feedback-Detachable-Ergonomic/dp/B079M5JPYQ/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=left+handed+keyboard&qid=1597195046&sr=8-4)

I play on a typical setup but I favor wasd over mouse turning mostly because I’m left handed. One of the things I love about my BM hunter and DH is I can practically steer them with wasd and fling spells all with my left hand.

I’m a southpaw but I’ve learned to use tools and instruments designed for right hands with my right hand. Well everything except binders. Those are still annoying. So I play like everyone else!

I’m a righty, but I mouse left-handed for ergonomic reasons. I use a left-handed Razor Death Adder mouse in my left hand and a Logitech G13 gamepad in my right hand. Can’t use the joystick on the G13, but I got over that fact years ago.

I mostly move with the mouse, but I strafe using the mouse+arrow keys, which are on lower right corner on my keyboard. It’s a short hop from my G13. It’s not ideal, but I don’t PvP, so it’s good enough.

I map one PTT key for voice chat to one of my mouse buttons, and another to a key on the RHS of my keyboard so I can run my mouth with whichever hand has cycles to spare.

My left hand uses the keyboard and my right hand uses the mouse. I’ve just gotten use to doing it this way after many years of playing MMORPG’s.

Edit: Yes i’m a lefty/southpaw.

if the case we aren’t very good ones. as scissors are the true devil. And they don’t like us. they jsut don’t work worth a damn using the left hand.

I remember long ago in my shade tree mechanic days cutting and installing roll cage padding for my car’s roll cage. I cursed scissors in several languages every time I started with the left hand lol. paper at least takes mercy upon you and tears/cuts mash up sometimes. Roll cage padding… doesn’t.

My daughter bought me some left-handed scissors. It took me a while to get used to it since I cut right-handed, but they are very helpful.

Left handed, I play as though I was right handed. Normal keyboard/mouse setup. Except I limit my mouse keybinds, and have a lot around my WASD keys in addition to # keys. Mouse, I really just bind movement abilities/death grip/charge.

I am left handed, but like most other things I have forced myself to use a right handed configuration.

Like a right handed person?

I’m a left-handed player. I use the Razer Tartarus (the original one - still works after so much finger pounding those keys) and I have a normal keyboard. I have a Razer Dsathadder mouse. So, in essence, the Tartarus is for my left hand, and I move with the right hand. If I could configure to use the Tartarus to move my toon with the joystick, LOL.

Same, school was always right hand this and that, even the desks where you learned to write were setup for the evil majority.
Teachers had no idea how to teach writing so you end up in a crab hand position to help keep from smudging the ink.
Mouse I can use either hand with the buttons set for left hand, but that ruins the use of the keyboard with the hand that whacks buttons being used on the mouse.

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If I am healing I use the mouse in my left hand to target players and with my right hand I use the arrow keys to move and number pad on my laptop to cast spells. If I am DPS or Tank I don’t use a mouse. Instead I use the normal number keys to attack and use the arrow keys to move and use the mouse pad to loot and sometimes target.

I used to not use a mouse at all just the mouse pad using my left index to move around and my left thumb to left or right click and use my right hand for moving and casting spells.

I got the left handed naga from a thousand years ago, and I use WASD with my right hand

I always thought mouse and keyboard are like manual cars, doesnt matter if you’re left or right handed, you get used to it

I’m left handed but I use my right hand to control my mouse. I use a plain old keyboard. I want a gaming keyboard but I will be patient and wait on that.

For people who dont use a gamepad, how the hell do you move and cast abilities at the same time? What if you need to use your “3” ability but move backward?