Leeway update

Threads on this forum?

I’ll go try and find em and give them a look.


Leeway is #NoChanges. They’re not going to remove it.

popular streamers and others even in these very forums have posted videos. its ugly. literally a third of the screen away you are hitting and all u have to do is strafe left/right. asmongold loves it and says he will use it to his advantage. roll melee! lmao. yep, thats “quality” play. just go watch some vids and form your own opinion before you roll ranged kek.

Leeway is a side-effect of implementing spell batching. Every action you take is batched, meaning you have lag on looting, talking to npcs, etc. This means your “movement” is batched in such a way that your hitbox is a larger circle when you’re moving. You can also sprint right over hunter traps if you run in a straight line.

All because a few “purists” think it’s funny and EPIC when two mages sheep each other.

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That’s because that’s all leeway and spell batching were ever for, to make the game feel a certain way. And they don’t feel the same as they did in 2005.

They don’t need to remove it, they just need to tune it properly.

Properly would be the same as in Vanilla. They’ve said that’s where it’s currently at.

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Except it’s not because vanilla was tuned for different speeds than we use today. So just like how I wouldn’t want to use 1024x768 resolution on a 4k monitor I don’t want server settings tuned for 2005 internet speeds in 2019.


We have higher-resolution monitors today so I guess you think we should have all of the modern character models, too?

Nope but we should have modern resolutions :slight_smile:

You just make stuff up to suit your narrative. Tell me, what was average latency for WoW players in 2005? What is it today?

Just a reminder that he was a “Wall of No” poster back in the day so there’s a really good chance that he’s not posting in good faith.

Are you saying the average user has the exact same connection capacity they did 14 years ago?

He’s saying that you need to know the average latency of a wow player in 2005 in order to “tune” leeway.

That data is not known, so there’s no way to tune leeway.

I don’t know the exact numbers which is irrelevant to the general point that they are faster now.

But how much faster? You need to know that if you want to “tune” leeway. They’re not going to throw darts and start writing code.

Or just be consistent and accept #NoChanges, warts and all

No. You are the one making the sweeping and unsubstantiated statements. My WoW latency in 2005 was consistently under 40ms on DSL. Now, living in a smaller town with cable internet my latency is about 60ms.

What was your’s then and now? And how can our single experiences be used to extrapolate to the average user’s experience?

I would suspect it’s some where around a third for the average ping time, so just tune both leeway and batching down to 1/3 of their current values and see if that fixes the issues.

And these are mechanics that blizzard readded explicitly so they are already not #nochanges. If blizzard would have just used the modern architecture as is there wouldn’t be an issue.

Why would they remove something that was in the game in vanilla? poor hunter.

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lol #NoChanges means “No changes from Vanilla” not “No changes from retail”