Leeway update

You suspect? Based on what? My latency is worse now than it was then. If you use just my experience, maybe they should increase leeway. Obviously one person’s experience is near meaningless. Yet you want to use your experience to make assumptions for the whole player universe.

I don’t see any issues. I see complaining and whining.

Except what we have already is a change since as I said they are trying to make the modern engine act like vanilla.

And they haven’t gotten it right, sorry but the #nochange is already missed in this case.

So once again you are claiming that internet speeds are exactly the same as they were 14 years ago?

Read the posts. I’m not claiming anything. YOU are the one making claims about internet latency without any substantiation beyond wild speculation on your part. And you want Blizzard to make changes based on your feelings as to how it should be without holding any facts.

The claim that bandwidth and ping are much better than were 14 years ago is hardly a wild claim.

#NoChanges is not a literal “we want to run the original 2005 client against the 2005 server on 2005 hardware”

#NoChanges is about making Classic as close to authentic Vanilla as possible. That means leeway, too.

And if you are going to make claims, it would help if you would use proper terminology. We are talking latency when we refer to leeway’s purpose. We are not talking about bandwidth - which is commonly considered internet speed.

Remove Leeway

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Right and whatever they have right now for leeway and batching is not authentic, I’m not saying the mechanics should be removed just that they are not working properly.

Show me that you have the facts. That you have done the research. WoW was playable on dialup in 2004. The low bandwidth made it ugly and freeze up in high activity areas. But latency on dialup could be very acceptable even by todays standards if not much was happening. Dialup could manage a duel fine but would be crushed in AV - because dialup had fine latency and horrible bandwidth.

Speed is a reference to both latency(which we want low) and bandwidth(which we want high) and in this case as I said both are much better than they were 14 years ago.

How do you know it’s not authentic? Blizz looked at the code and said it is.

More likely your memory is faulty.

You have no idea how much, if any, average latency has changed. You are making an assumption and you think Blizzard should jump on it because Ziryus have a feeling.

/shrug have you actually played in the beta beyond maybe the stress tests?

It’s not.

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You didn’t address my point.

That’s fine except that a lot of people who have actually played for any real length of time are reporting the same issues so I doubt it’s just me.

And we know that blizzard is not in fact actually using the old leeway and batching systems, they’re using the modern system that they shoved some values into. So it seems very likely that the issues really are with the systems and not just people remembering wrong.

Please. Nobody noticed this until some streamers did some detailed analysis on it, were surprised and reported it as a bug.

Since then everyone is a leeway “expert” and it’s ruining the game even though no one was even aware of it until the original video was posted.

Honestly, this is all most likely just a bunch of butthurt ranged pvp’ers who don’t like that melee range are getting a perceived advantage (one that they’ve always had but nobody noticed) so they are now trying to get them nerfed.

Which is another true #NoChange… whining pvp’ers begging for nerfs to other classes. It’s neverending.

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