Leeway is broken and unnecessary

I understand why this mechanic was in vanilla wow, the average connection was terrible at the time, but this is just ridiculous. For those who dont know what lee way is, its a mechanic that allowed you to hit tagets running away from furture away to compensate for server lag. This should be removed before release for obvious reasons. https://youtu.be/S3GH5cWPFOE

#NoChanges Kappa

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Agreed… but to leave a mechanic in that was only there to subside for bad connections i cannot agree with. Imagine playing a hunter and being meleed from the dead zone.

Sounds perfectly balanced from a warrior’s perspective.

Overpowered for warriors, which dont need any help as is.

Says one of the kite kings.

Does anyone have proof this mechanic was in vanilla wow? I’m pretty sure this is a cataclysm holdover.

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