Leeroy Jenkins was the better video. It was believable and most people didnt know, or still dont know, that it was staged, which caused a bigger impact than screamy raid leader.
My guild references Ony wipe more and I personally like it more because I used to have a raid leader back in tbc that did the same thing. Screaming at us, calling us names, and the like. The healing role leader and raid leader got into an argument on gurtog blood boil, and the healing leader said in vent “You have absolutely no clue how hard this is and you are being ridiculous” and then a verbal war broke out between the two of them while I ate popcorn.
Guild fell apart of course, but I won’t ever forget that WoW moment and the Ony wipe brings those memories back every time.
When did you start playing? The core joke is pugs wringing their hands over the whelp room in UBRS. It was also common for randos to spawn a bunch of whelps because they’re not paying attention to the eggs they’re trampling over.
Wiped more than a raid, wiped the whole city, and gets so powerful that GM has to reboot the server to remove Kazzak. Classic server started on a version after Kazzak was nerfed to not get to SW anymore