Which classic world of warcraft video is better? Leeroy Jenkins, or Onyxia Raid Wipe? Which one does your guild reference more? Which one do you like more?
Gotta give the edge to Mr. Jenkins, at least he had chicken.
It’s entirely subjective but I enjoy Leeroy more.
My guild doesn’t reference either of them really lol.
This is my fave old wow video though:
I rewatch the the Onxyia one far more often than Jenkins.
I just find the whole thing funny as heck.
how do you have normal skin already
Hmm… must go find Onyxia wipe video. I do like Leeroy though. My favorite is still the lone shaman vs the 40 man raid of Thunderbluff though. That got me to make my first shaman lol.
The glow provided by this staff model:
The guild leader from that video actually plays classic. My friend did a pug MC with him once. He’s apparently super embarrassed by the video and regrets it deeply.
The Jenkins thing was staged, so it loses a few points for me. The Onyxia rage thing was all real, and just as pathetic as it sounded.
He shouldn’t, it’s amazing and they are awesome for making it.
Edit: I thought you meant the Hardware Store vid.
The Onyxia thing… yeah, I can understand how that would be a bit cringy for him to watch.
does it have to be that model, or does it provide an illusion you can mog?
Onyxia raid wipe by far. I found it 10x funnier than Leeroy.
Onxyia because it isn’t fake, like Leeroy.
That guy is actually like that. It’s a pure expression of early 2000s neckbeard energy.
“I am a douchebag!” lol gets me everytime
Has to be that model, as far as I’ve seen anyway.
OMG OMG OMG… (laughing to so hard… it hurts)
I found the Onyxia video LOLOLOL.
(falls over)
Ouch. That hurts.