I still say “that’s a minus 50 DKP!”
no, it’s “THAT’S A 50 DKP voice begins to crack MINUS!”
Leeroy Jenkins. It was magical then, still magical years later.
huge agree. In fact, one time I named one of my kids in CK2 Leeroy Jenkins, only for him to come back at the age of 18 and depose me as ruler of England.
Onyxia raid wipe. At least that one wasn’t staged.
If nobody cares, why did you necro this thread? Clearly you care enough to do that.
OK fine… I’ll say it:
The Leeroy bit was NEVER funny. I never understood why anyone even smirked at it then, I still don’t understand how anyone thinks it’s funny now.
A guy wipes his group in grand fashion. That’s it. There’s nothing to it. It’s just… nothing.
It’s like comparing a George Carlin bit to Adam Sandler just making stupid noises as saying “they’re both comedy.” Sandler going “bwahhh bwahhh bwahhhhh” for 5 minutes and people howling like idiots doesn’t make it comedy, it’s just pathetic.
Leeroy Jenkins isn’t funny. It’s stupid.
Onyxia, however… is HILARIOUS. You can show it to people who don’t even play Warcraft, and they’ll pee their pants laughing. THAT is comedy!
After the news of it being staged came out. I stopped thinking it was funny (plus it was copied to death for years).
But the Onyxia wipe was not staged, that was a genuine reaction. Which I think aids into the comedy.
I don’t see how it matters. That’s like finding out comedians aren’t just making stuff up on stage, they’re THAT WITTY… that they actually write that material out in advance and say the same thing every night for 2 years until they write new material.
It’s still funny.
Leeroy… just isn’t funny.
People actually thought it wasn’t? The guy doing the recording purposely runs up the ramp and pulls extra whelps.
Anyways, I never got the hype around that video. The number crunch thing and as I pointed out the person doing the complaining pulling extra whelps on purpose made the entire video “meh” to me.
I prefer WoW Funeral myself. Still one of the most controversial events in WoW history. Nothing beats the original video because “Yesterday” is such a perfect song for the beginning, but you can find suitable re-uploads without it.
Onyxia Wipe is hands down my favorite, and I’m kinda sad they never referenced it in game.
…but one can never deny Leroy Jenkins. This video became so iconic that “Leroy” became shorthand for “This guy’s about to do something really risky and dumb”
Except they did.
Because the Onyxia wipe is hilarious. Leeroy is dumm.
Nothing beats Leeroy, for me anyway. The Onyxia one is just tryhards being tryhards, in comparison the Leeroy video feels like it’s making fun of those kinds of players. Maybe Onyxia is enjoyed ironically as well, but for me it’s more grating whereas Leeroy really nails the laughs. All opinion of course.
Well… the irony here (at least I think it’s irony) is that the Leeroy people are the tryhards in the sense they’re trying hard to make you think it really happened. It was all staged.
The person yelling in the Ony video doesn’t know he’s being recorded, IIRC.
Actually Oynxia raid leader is in hearthstone ;D
My bad fellas, I forgot about the whelps achievement. I just got off work at like 4am this morning
There is also a ragnaros wipe too. Same guild as well. Although it is not as funny as the Onyxia one.
Why choose? Both are relics of the Golden Age.