Leave m+ alone

You want more raiders? Make it fun and rewarding. For a weekly lockout, more organization required, less gear drops, higher difficulty curve, you’re wondering why it’s fallen off the map?

Raiding is too much work for too little payouts. Who the heck likes 10 to 15 minute fights anymore? So much bs is being thrown at us now that I turned the particle effects down to half. You guys have too much love for one shot mechanics as well. Raiding design and loot needed an overhaul 4 expansions ago. Don’t throw mythic plus under a bus because your poor attempts at keeping raiding relevant.

wiggles toes


leave m+ alone

buff raid drops


Just wait until people stop doing mythic+ too. Open world is the true endgame. The future is now old man. :crazy_face:


I’d argue both are right. The payouts are a little bit too high in M+ and too sparse in raiding. Where the optimal balance would be is something really hard to quantify because the logistics are so different for the 2.

An interesting question one would ask Ion on, is why his logic for raid locking mythic doesn’t apply to M+.


exactly this


It’s insane. They focused on played time metrics for so long, that people are more easily burned out. It’s not the player’s fault the carrot no longer looks tempting.


One-shot mechanics aren’t that bad, make a mistake and you die, learn your lesson don’t do it again. The big problem is they design every fight nowadays where one person makes a mistake and one-shots the entire raid. It makes it sooooo hard to keep a raid team going when every time you have to recruit a new player you’re basically starting over your progression because even the tiniest mistake means the entire raid dies


This is the big problem with the game. Players don’t want forced group content anymore.


Says who? :man_facepalming:

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They’ve figured out that they can just lay on their backs and the carrot hits 'em right in the face. :grin:


Aren’t they bringing back master loot for guild runs?

Says the massive decline in subs.


There’s that word again…

Just because the best rewards come from group content doesn’t mean you’re forced to do it.

I don’t raid and don’t miss the rewards either. I do the step down, keys, and those rewards are sufficient for me.

Now if you don’t want to do group content at all, just learn to be satisfied with the rewards your choice gives. If you want better rewards, step up, it’s how these games are designed.


Many people do actually. It’s nice to know that you can still play competitively by just setting aside X number of hours at specific times of the week.

A big reason raiding is dying out though is just how difficult it is to keep a raid group together unless you’re a world first type guild. There are some many stupid restrictions on who is allowed to group together, and raid fight designs are so challenging now that if you ever bring in someone new you basically start progression back at square one. Blizzard REALLY needs to work on making it easier to run a raid group, because plenty of people still want to raid

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i am just here for the wiggle, mythic pluss is my jam, f off

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Outside of group content you get scraps for content.


It’s a multiplayer game…

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so pug mythic plus, got it

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It’s an mmorpg, not just a mmog.

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So, go role play solo