Least favorite pre-patch memory

What’s your least favorite honestly? For me, I’m gonna have to go with the one in Searing Gorge where you have to bring drinks to the dwarves in the tower.


Lord, that one drove me nuts. I keep slipping and sliding everywhere as if I am driving on icy snowy road.


That’s part of why i find it to be my least favorite. there’s also the troggs bouncing you all over the place, and the fact if you fall off the tower you have to go all the way back around it again. in the time it takes to do that one, like 2 or 3 other memories are already being completed

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Webbed crusaders. The bar fills excruciatingly slow. Never do this one.

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Remembered Mosh just because he spams a 5 second AoE fear every 10-15 seconds.


The first time that popped up when everything was so buggy, it took half an hour to do just that 1. And thats with every body there…

I just hated all the fear bomb bosses. That’s just an annoying mechanic.


Thorim one-shots on my low level alts.
Random Hakkar resets and one-shots.
The Lich King somehow priority-targeting idiots with Defile.
So on.

Oh, I definitely agree these are annoying. its why i don’t do Mosh when it’s the Marsh. i just do all the “kill so many enemies” over Mosh, unless one of the other 2 are up.

I don’t do the brew one or the lumber one.

Right? And since when did Hogger cast fear?

I hate fear as a mechanic, I’ve defeated 3 old gods, why would a gnoll make me run away in fear?


I’m wondering if it just has to do with the whole old meme of Hogger being the ultimate boss. Since during vanilla in 2004, everyone was making humans and trying to fight him underleveled and undergeared. It’s also the reason he can just “undergear” you


Yeah, that confused me. Suddenly Im attacking with daggers. Im looking to see if there was some bug or something.

yeah. first time i saw it happen i was confused. then i realized they’re paying homage to og 2004 Hogger, who was nearly impossible to kill cause the players at the time kept trying to face rush him while they were a couple levels under and weren’t geared

cause at that time, humans were possibly the most played race in the game, and Hogger is in Elwynn Forest, literally the first zone for them out of the starting zone

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And the lvl 1 hogger raids

I stopped doing them and will just sit AFK til Ony/Rag/LK spawns then go DPS it.

I just like that they picked Hogger and Stitches, two quest “bosses” from Elwynn and Duskwood, and then picked Hakkar as the 3rd “mini-boss” for Searing Gorge, when Hakkar is a Blood God XD

Should have added “Son of Augiel” or whatever that Worgan elite from Silverpine was. He just snuck up on you all the time. Kinda like how Stitches did. So I guess it was Hakkar or the pig from the farm in Redridge.

and then in Marsh you have Mosh (a menace from Un’goro Crater), Gahz’rilla from Zul’Farrak (who at first required a quest chain to get a mallet to summon), and King Gordok from Dire Maul. 2 dungeon bosses, and one who was just dangerous and patrolling the crater

Hakkar I dislike the most. Swear he has it out for me-always always chases me down to MC me.

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I just ignore the trash and run around popping webs, makes it much faster. :slight_smile:

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