Learn About the Mythic+ Dungeon Rating in Chains of Domination

They don’t play the game. It is obvious by now.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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You don’t get it both ways homie. You don’t admit PUGs are failing 15s (hard for them) and then say it isn’t hard for them. You don’t. That’s not how it works.

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I could see this tool/feature being used as intended , if it unlocked for use after achieving the +13 set of dungeons. Prior to that, this tool will be abused and further fuel an already toxic community with more judgement tools. Not all of us are power gamers, but we all pay the same fees for this game. Please keep this game fun for everyone, or you may loose revenue necessary to sustain this game for everyone. Note: Most of the power gamers in my guild stopped playing until the next patch release of content arrives… they ran out of things to gain and achieve that hold their interests. It’s Summertime, they are out enjoying a life. But that’s just what’s happening in my guild, and just my point of view.

Level 16 can be done in 15 min???

Pull another BLizzcon online where they leaked the press release and we knw everything a day or 2 in advance.

The question is, how much? My guess is +35 valor (they love increments of 35)

If it’s like double….man that would be sweet.

(Watch it be +0.999 valor……just to mess us)

Has anyone seen anything about role scores? What about classes that can tank, heal, and/or dps? How do you know how the person got that score? Were they a dps? Were they a healer? Screenshots I’ve seen of this only show dps only classes. If you’re going to put in a scoring system it needs to define the role they got the score in.

Agree! I’m so much looking forward to the new inhouse raider io – season 2 as a whole.

It should be like that, I have friends who don’t play until X.3 because they feel it’s an absolute waste of time to earn gear when they get it for free at the end.

That’s like asking you if you want to go to work this week and get paid or if you want to start next week and you’ll get paid for this week anyway. It makes no sense in real life or in-game. People whine and complain about Activision and esports but that kind of gear invalidation are the biggest examples of it. They encourage a sub unsub cycle and reward quitters and seasonal players rather than the people who actually stick with the game

You really missed my point.

The person I replied to was basically making the claim that only people who played the previous content should be able to play the next tier of content because catch up systems are horrible. So if he had his way, and your friends wanted to do x.3 content, well they wouldn’t be able to, not unless they were willing to grind out all the x.1 and x.2 content they didn’t do.

Obviously, I don’t agree with that. Catch up systems are more than fine, people should be able to gear up for the current content if they join the expansion late and not be forced to do older, obsolete content unless they really want to.

I’m fine with the idea of catch up systems but I think people should have to complete the prior tiers to access the new gear. I say double or triple the drops in old tiers and that should solve the issue

Tbh I would and still probably will use raiderio simply because it also shows amount of timed dungeons in a bracket that this system completely ignores.

Uhh… no, that’s where we’re going to disagree.

If I recruit a friend to play WoW because I think the new raid is going to be awesome. They’re not going to think it’s awesome when they learn that they have to not only level up to 60, but then they also have to gear up in 9.0 content, so they can do Castle Nathria, and only then will they be able to finally start gearing up for the Sanctum of Domination.

It’s much easier for new and returning players if they can hit level 60 and start getting catch-up gear which will allow them to jump straight into the Sanctum of Domination. If they want to experience Castle Nathria, that’s fine, but gatekeeping new content behind old raids is not okay.

Exactly, they value new customers more than retaining customers and don’t value your time. Even you admit that.


If that’s what you took from that, then I can’t see any reason to continue this conversation.

Have a good day.

You admitted that.

You said “it’s easier for new and returning players” indicating the game should be designed for them.

You also seem to think people should be able to experience the newest content without even playing the game. No wonder people complain about lack of content when Blizz gets rid of 1/3rds of it every 3 months

no, he said “It’s much easier for new and returning players if they can hit level 60 and start getting catch-up gear”

meaning easier for them compared to if they can’t get catch-up gear, not easier for them compared to current players

I mean wouldn’t you say it’s easier to do WQ/Daily quest for 226 gear than clearing the old raid?

of course it is. but it’ll be at least as easy for current players to do those same WQ/dailies once they become available – easier, really, since they’ll be doing them in 200+ gear instead of the fresh 60 gear a returning player will be using at that point.

Yes, I did say that it’s easier for new and returning players.

Because those markets are a thing, and Blizzard would be filled with absolute idiots if they didn’t consider them with their design decisions.

Why do you think the level squish happened and new players can now level from 10 to 50 through BFA alone? Because the old experience of levelling a little bit through every expansion was confusing as all hell for new and returning players. Because forcing new and returning players to slog through 120 levels before they could even consider starting the new stuff was unacceptable in their eyes.

It’s not a problem for us players who are still playing. We’ve got the content that was designed for us. That’s what 9.1 content is. All of it is designed for the players who are already here. But on top of that, there’s content to help new and returning players so they can do the same content we are, and are not forced to drag themselves through irrelevant content just to get to where we are.