Yeah I can definitely see this being the case. Because nobody’s gonna do the war campaign after BfA has come and gone, they’ll just do the leveling quests. So in hindsight BfA will just be dicking around random islands nobody cares about anymore to no obvious end, because Azerite started appearing except nobody actually cares, and nobody does anything with it.
Could be the campaign ends in 8.2.5 but the greater War ends in 8.3 — I may be wrong but the campaign is just a component of this expac’s content and, while it’s all about the war, it’s not THE war??
If 8.3 is about something else that will be weird haha
The war is over! 8.3 is about… now azerite is edible and it’s delicious!!
The main subject of BfA ending before BfA does would be pretty standard for this expansion.
even for ion hazzikostas and steven danuser i cannot imagine the marketing team letting them get away with “Genocide is okay when someone thinks its necessary!” as a thing that can be confidently taken away as a lesson of this story
like… blizzard has lawyers, and marketers, and advertising specialists. they have to. there has to be someone thats not some gross metal dweeb that at least combs the outlines for this stuff. there has to be.
Yeah, everything about it makes sense except the fact that there still needs to be a bigger conclusion.
I can get being in a hurry to wrap up an extremely unpopular story, but what next? They’re not going to let it linger without a raid.
I can see it going one of three ways:
Sylvanas comes back as a mook boss in the REAL raid.
Sylvanas slinks off to become the new Gul’dan and show up later.
The Horde apologizes and is vewwy sowwy about a third genocidal war but Mean Ol’ Tyrande won’t forgive them and we have to take her down.
I can see any of them happenig.
I’m putting my money on this one, if only because it’s what they’ve done for both MoP and WoD.
Same. Same, same, same. Even if she meets an untimely end as a questline “boss” or a mid-tier raid boss where she gets to gasp and go “I… almost … saved us… bleeeeggghhhhhhh.” I don’t think she’s going down this time.
Maybe she’ll die as ignominiously, as well, just so everyone, including Sylvanas fans, can be annoyed and frustrated.
Yeah I’m in the “I’ll get you next time!” Sylvanas fate camp.
They have them, yes. But do they listen to them? We know for a fact they don’t listen to their writers, and somebody in that place thought “IT MATTERS” was a good idea for a marketing campaign.
They have all those things. None of what they say matters when a CEO wants a sixth house and decides it’ll be easier for the shareholders to just do the same thing over and over.
Anything but Kerrigan 2.0 will be fine. I don’t even need her to die per se but if a gigantic otherworldly creature appears out of a writer’s fartbox and declares that only she can save the universe from the void and she goes “I’ll do it but stuff your prophecy” and gets to choose to retire as a demigod with Nathanos I will sucker punch someone on staff in the pouch.
Secret ending: That Guy instead chooses to write all of Azeroth dying because he’s upset that DeathWaifu has to go away.
Having never engaged with Starcraft, I’ve no idea what happened here but I see it pop up a lot. Can anyone explain what’s the deal with this Kerrigan and why they’re compared to Sylvanas so often? From what I gather, she’s an evil character who experienced a redemption arc that felt forced?
She was Sylvanas, and became purified and everyone loved her then.
As a mortal she was the best of the best of the Ghost corps which bear a lot of similarities to your usual super awesome infiltrator/ranged combatant/tactician.
She meets a terrible fate while being betrayed by a former ally.
She becomes a horrid creature against her will when she is reforged by the Overmind into the Queen of Blades.
She gets away with a lot of stupid stuff across all of Brood War for no real reason other than constantly being trusted and betraying people who are often forced into alliances of survival with her only to be abandoned once they don’t suit her, she also pops in from time to time where she has no right to be but she’s playing super psionic 7D Galactic Chess.
During the second game when it seems like she’ll finally get justice, one of your former allies appears before you with a startling prophecy, only she, it turns out, can save the known universe due to special gifts and abilities, not unlike the whole “Undead = Void Immune??”
She’s generally kind of unlikeable but you can tell the writing staff wants you to. I read somewhere that the arc between her and Jimmy Raynor, the Terran “hero” you play as was supposed to be a kind of homage to a difficult time in the life of Chris Metzen and his wife, so she’s a favorite of the writing staff.
Anyway, it turns out the Overmind actually had free thought from the Zerg the whole time and was a slave of a fallen galactic god race and created Kerrigan as a chance to save the known universe because only she would ultimately be able to contain the power of the Xel’naga, and you’re only ever really told this through various eEEeeOooOoo spooky prophecies and narrative insights into the thoughts of others (or outright told) which is not unlike the whole leadup about how the Void somehow “fears” Sylvanas.
Anyway, she eventually does the thing, gets the power of the last “Galactic God” poured into her, sassily kills the fallen “Galactic God” because she’s mad at it and not because she wants to actually save anyone, then abandons everyone who’s still reeling from an interstellar super-war to end all super-wars, uses her new powers to appear as her old human self, finds her boyfriend and they leave the known universe.
It’s not a 1:1 but those of us who sat through all of StarCraft are usually prone to going “Hey wait a minute.” There’s a kind of… vibe that you can’t explain just in a forum post.
Nah I think I see what you mean, at least at a bare-bones level. Evil and hated villain becomes prophesied messiah.
Light I hope it doesn’t happen in WoW xD
Oh, absolutely. In fact, I’d say that’s an understatement.
Warlords was a bad expansion. Unequivocally, straight up, a bad expansion. Some people look back on it with a degree of fondness, sure, but everyone can agree that WoD was disappointing.
But there’s one thing it never did. WoD never split the playerbase like BfA has.
WoD never attracted diehard fans who’d scream until they were blue in the face defending every decision Daddy Blizzard makes. WoD didn’t have the devs intentionally fanning the flames of faction pride and egging their community to ever greater heights of toxicity. And WoD sure as heck didn’t arbitrarily make one faction complicit in genocide.
BfA will be remembered as the expansion that poisoned the well.
wowheads datamining says that the war campaign will conclude in 8.2.5
it feels like a war has barely even happened, honestly
Interesting analysis honestly, but fair. I’d never thought of it that way, but it’s a good point as to what the distinction is. I always thought people saying BFA was worse than WoD was… utterly ridiculous. But your post makes me think.
WoD had a strong start, and then that was it. Probs using a teacher analogy here, but it makes me think of a situation where I marked an essay with a REALLY strong introduction and even a good first body paragraph. But the student didn’t actually finish well, and concluded abruptly and with no real reference to the hypothesis at all. And it’s so frustrating when you see something like that, because what could’ve been a high standard pass becomes a fail, due to what ultimately amounts to a lack of effort. That was WoD. A strong start, and then a really weird case of just not finishing because Blizzard was lazy.
BFA is different though. There’s actually a lot of content that’s arguably not even poorly written. We’ve had consistent content, with story, added over the course of the expansion. But it’s polarizing, and inflammatory, and causing extreme tension where we seem to be at each other’s throat over this story, as a broad player community. There’s passionate supporters of the factions as there’s always been, but it’s only now that there’s such immense OOC hatred between them BECAUSE of the story.
I still think WoD will go down as the worst expansion in my book. But your post has made me at least understand why so many people despise BFA.