Leaking Real Life Names (again)

The hot garbage new battle.net launcher that’s crashed 6 times before actually opening has a bonus feature: if you have a RealID friend, you can view the real names of everyone on their list, even if they’re not themselves RealID friends with you.

This was an OOOOOOOOOOOLD bug and huge privacy violation (California Consumer Protection Act says hi). Just because I’m IRL friends with someone doesn’t mean I want my information shared with literally everyone else they’re friends with. They’re my friends not my lovers - I don’t need their black book and I shouldn’t show up in theirs.

This also is present on the in-game “View Friends” menu as well.

I want to stress that this is particularly disturbing because it’s IGNORING MINORS PRIVACY RIGHTS AS WELL. I can see two of my friends young kids (and their parents make sure they know not to talk to strangers on the internet) full real names on that list.

I’m not sure how long this has been present again, but it’s deeply concerning. Please go yell at whoever needs to be yelled at to stop trying to make RealID a thing and purge the data from the system if you can’t properly secure it or enforce legally required privacy controls (especially for minors, whose accounts have said parental controls set!)

Seriously. I don’t know how many times I have to REMOVE REAL ID BS from my account at https://account.blizzard.com/privacy - STOP TURNING IT BACK ON.

Well, as there are no QA, developers or community managers here, you’d need either submit a bug report, or post in the bug report forum.

The fact that they keep resetting your privacy settings and leaking your information is a customer service problem.

Which is neither this forum or the above forum, tbh. More accurately, your problem is with the app itself, and the team you want seeing this claim is found here:

However, none of my privacy settings have been reset, and a cursory glance over at that forum says you are also the only claimant so far. But the team you want to see this is still over there.

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Greetings to you and welcome to Customer Support, not to be confused with Customer Service. This forum is a player helping player forum. It is not a contact point with Blizzard staff (GMs, Devs, QA, etc.). While we do have some rather rad Blues here, they are moderators and are here to offer insight and advice. Nothing more. So your issue falls on deaf ears as no one here has anything to do about it, and no, the staff does not “pass messages along”.

File a ticket, post in GD or use the in-game suggestion tool, or use the link provided above for the app discussion. These four methods are the only way to garner any attention for your issue.