League of Legends Arcane is absolutely incredible

Yeah, one has to wonder. Some people would say it was Activisions involvement. But i think it was complacency. If some of the details that were unveiled from the lawsuit are correct; Blizzard thought themself to big to fall and got, well, complacent. Why put in any effort when you are already at the top? To stay there. But it seems Blizzard have forgotten that.

If you had asked me a year or two ago what i thought of Riot’s upcoming MMO. I would have told you it would be just another one in a long list of WoW clones. One doomed to fail like the rest. But i don’t feel that anymore. I feel Riot has a real shot at taking the crown if they play their cards right.

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I didn’t even know League of Legends HAD a story or world until I saw this show. haha!

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Funny that you use such an offensive tone to talk about something that has no relation to what you said.

Are you just trolling? So hard to tell these days. Asking for a source, and then challenging the sources provided… and I’m being offensive?

If you’re not trolling, and you’re just living under some rock, a very simple Google search would show you everything you need to verify the OP’s statement. I didn’t even like League of Legends, or know anything about it, and I heard of Arcane’s success.


I like that reasoning, I do feel that’s likely the reason. I always felt WoW being the #1 MMO and always a thing for many years made them complacent like they didn’t have to try. Now I feel it’s sort of finally caught up to them, and they’ve squandered so much opportunity especially with the lore. :confused:

Pretty much same tbh! :joy: But I did come across this video many years ago that made me always interested in the world because I was really surprised by how well written the dialogue was for this one character in a tribute video. Here is the character, I know nothing about her/him really but I really loved this tribute video made for them and hope someday they show up in the show now that it’s out.

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I’m gonna be honest, I had zero interest in the Riot MMO, but now I’ll at least be keeping my eye on it. I really like the Steampunk-ish nature of the world.


Does look nice but still not sold on an MMO by them, will have micros out the wazoo.

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Lmao what? What a dumb thing to try and challenge


It is astounding how many people think themselves so right in doing the wrong train of thought.

If you say 2 is not 3, someone comes and say “so you saying 3 is not 4 ?”

So many people takes what is said to mean things one can only imagine how they came up with. It is fascinating.

The Kindred, one of the manifestations of death in the league universe. There are so many characters with good lore it baffles me. One of my favorites is Pantheon, a mortal that trough sheer force of will is fighting against the idea that humans need gods (a bit hard when there are literal gods waking around), love the idea that , us humans can only rely on ourselves.

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Riot is also a scumbag company filled with people that abuse women AND to add icing to the cake the people that left blizzard when the investigation began WENT TO RIOT!

But they actually put out content that people seem to like so let’s just ignore all that.


Watching this video now and god, the dialogue is so great. Man, im binging all this guys videos for the characters. You can tell by the voice acting and the way the character expresses their beliefs, the character was written with a true purpose and center of alignment. The more I find out about all the characters and now having watched the series, the depth and mysteries surrounding the other heroes only gets me more excited. :frowning: now I don’t want to finish the show….

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You’re not as intelligent as you think you are.


Sadly second season is only in 2023… i mean, i get that making a show good as that takes time but wow…

I agree 100% with what you said. Arcane is aight, but I am really tired of the edgelord characters. I want them to expand.

Clearly, you haven’t been following social media. Arcane was rated the best gaming film ever made.

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Or clearly you are one of those who believe that half dozen “social media” posts know what “a lot of people” think or likes.

People think that “the latest trend on twitter” is the World view of a topic. I would expect nothing less in a forum that bears people who thinks WoW is the most popular and best MMORPG out there. It is like talking to some people who talks about stuff that you never heard about anywhere and “how cant you know that ? Everyone is talking about that”.

Probably the same minds of those YouTubers who say “my video is being recommended” when you enter their videos because they were recommended and you dont even like what their video is about, and never even watched any similar video.

Or those people who excuse their “I like this ergo everyone must like it” moments with “oh, people like this in Japan”, or “People all over Europe like this” in the hopes anyone they talk to never been in those places.

Honestly, a lot of crap people talk about as if they were the “World most famous thing” has mediocre following, but a lot invested in advertising.

Look at you being defiantly stubborn about acknowledging another franchise’s success while this one continues to crack and crumble.

Feel better? Did it make WoW better?


I’ve really liked it so far. The only downside is having to wait two years now for the next season.