League of Legends Arcane is absolutely incredible

A new animated series on Netflix that’s been getting lots of attention, revolving around the League of Legends world and lore. I truly can’t believe how amazing this show has been, from the world building, to the fluid animation, to the writing quality and voice acting. I can see why it’s been getting so much attention, and knowing they’re coming up with an MMO has me even more excited. I’ve always wished WoW would have a series like this when the lore was good, as the world had so much potential. I can’t help but feel somewhat sad watching Arcane when I think about what WoW could’ve been and how it could’ve branched out, but it is what it is.


Not a big fan of League of Legends universe. All the stylish cool/young characters doing crazy stuff with modern pop music playing in the background isn’t my cup of tea.

I would love a series in the wow universe tho. Something that explores all the classes lore and races and not focused on 2-3 protagonists.

Edit: So I just finished watching Arcane and it was very good indeed!


I loved arcane and know nothing about LoL… was pretty amazing artistically.


This year made Riot into a juggernaut. League, LoR, valorant are all giants already, and riot forge is pumping indie games like crazy.
Blizzard will have to grab their :poop: together and fast because the league mmo will be amazing if it’s gonna follow the trend of amazing games riot is pumping out.
Also Arcane (LoL) lore is amazing on a level that maybe only wc3 could compete.


Source for this ?

This is my experience currently. Not finished with first season yet, I know nothing about LoL or it’s world, just that LoL is a world renown PvP game. But watching this, it’s been one of my favorite fantasy/sci fi worlds I’ve ever seen and the writing quality is phenomenal. The animation is almost unbelievable tbh. I can’t get over how good it’s been.

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Doesnt source the assertion made.

Well I can choose from many articles but I’ll let you pick which one. It’s been the talk of the town on my SM circles, and I’ve been seeing it spammed all on my YouTube and running across many articles. Only reason I decided to watch it cause it pretty much was getting that squid game hype and I don’t regret it.

Just type in Google “League of Legends Arcane Review” and see how many companies are talking about it right now and giving it perfect scores practically.

All I had seen before was the game, which was a knock-off of a knock-off and the most uninspired and bland visual style I had ever seen on top of game mechanics that were a dumbed-down version of stuff that had already existed.

Then I watched Arcane and now I’m hyped for the MMO. The visual style of the show is fantastic and the world is really interesting, I really want to learn more about what is happening in this setting and go on quests there.


Yeah being completely honest, It brings back memories of how the WoW world used to make me feel. Seeing the utopian uptown people and underground reminds me of a vision of Stormwind and Undercity that could’ve been but League has captured this aesthetic and world in a way that shows me their people have so much passion it’s utterly incredible. 40 minute long episodes of pure beauty through animation and aesthetic.

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Same, I actually thought LoL was just a trendy PVP game without really important lore concepts and the story was just there to give life to the game. Then I felt like an idiot watching the series (still watching) cause now all I want to do is make a character and go exploring every nook and cranny of the world I can find! :joy:

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Riot has been absolutely killing it recently. It’s like they just had an eureka moment and realized they were just sitting on one of the largest gaming IP’s and decided they should do more with it than just LoL.


This is what I absolutely don’t understand. Though I personally never got into League, I always thought they handled the IP with love. From the tributes and songs on YouTube with the best players being the characters. To the music videos with the characters. Now the tv show actually bringing to life the lore and world.

Blizzard has so much freaking money yet all they ever really did with WoW IP was the movie, which was more so a director passion project than a Blizzard one. I just don’t understand why Blizzard with their billions of dollars didn’t put as much effort into the WoW IP and making it bigger. It baffles me, and at this point, I’d say that ship has sailed but man I’m keeping a huge eye on LoL now and keeping my hands together in prayer they can bring back the hype of good lore and world mystery through their MMO whenever it’s finally unveiled.


They’d screw it up like the movie.

Yeah. WoW has done a bunch of books and one failed Hollywood movie relying on Hollywood tropes. Such an outdated idea for multi-media tie-ins.

This Arcane approach with the Netflix TV show has been so much better.

Yeah. The problem is that Activision Blizzard is kind of a boomer company. They don’t “get” the new landscape, for the most part. Hearthstone is really the most cutting-edge project they’ve done to be quite honest and it was really done as a hacked-together side-project on a relatively small scale, not giving the full backing of the company until it started to turn into a money factory (and then at that point they’ve started to make a mess of it seeing how much money it has made and thinking they can squeeze out even more revenue streams).

So a TV series by them would be handled the way boomers handle movie tie-ins. I mean, we already have the movie as proof that they have the sort of Resident Evil Hollywood vision of it.

I was hesitant to watch it, mainly because I know nothing about League of Legends and I don’t care to know anything about League of Legends. However, the animation style looked really good and I read you don’t need to know anything about the game to enjoy the show. So I watched the first episode tonight, and holy geez… it was amazing. Really really good.

It would have been amazing if WoW did something like this, sadly with WoW being long past it’s prime I find it unlikely to ever see anything like this from them. :frowning:


No I was the EXACT same. I always thought League did impressive YouTube videos but really saw the story as a backdrop excuse to just keep the game going. Was like “meh I’ll watch episode 1 to see what the hypes about.” Finished episode 1 last night, ended up binging till 4am in the morning and stopping at Episode 6 I think, and can’t stop thinking about it now and how much I love it. It brings back so many memories of how WoW lore used to make me feel.


Dang, have you sucked down so much copium that you can’t even recognize that anything involving another game could possibly be successful? lol