Leaders meeting at icecrown spoilers

“lets pretend people didnt know exactly how bfa was going to turn out regardless of all the 'wait and see’s and false promises we fed them”


Well, when you can use your work for free not to advance in the professional level but to educate your child using “famous media” regardless on how this literally destroys the quality, you too would act confident.

The Gif is deliberately unsettling as if it is intended to confirm everyone’s worst fears!

i am sure it will be 10 times worst

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During the war campaign on Alliance, Valeera shows up to deliver a message to Jaina from Baine. Jaina immediately goes on the defensive as she does not know Valeera and only calms down when Shaw vouches for her. So he’s right on that part.

Noope, wrong. She goes on the defensive when confronted to the “potential new bomb” A.K.A. the living corpse called Derek Proudmoore.

Which is hilarious when we take into account Jaina met Valeera in the intorductory Varian comics ffs… the only reason Jaina “forgot” Valeera on that scenario is because devs are allergic to consulting their own lore database, period.


Or maybe she’s just laughing because she knows where the story is going and everyone jumping to this conclusion or that is totally off base. I mean come on, Blizzard loves to play their cards close to the vest with some stories. And they have admitted that at times they will put things in builds that will be datamined just to mess with people. When I saw that tweet I didn’t find it distrubing, I saw it as her saying how entertaining all the jumping to conclusions and/or outrage at things that might just be placeholders (you know like Calia and Valeera in ICC) are. But then if I were in her shoes, I’d likely do the same thing so maybe we’re both just smart @sses.

Maybe they did forget, things fall through the cracks when you have a change in writers over the years. But yes she did get defensive when Valeera first appeared. a) she stealthed in and b) she’s a blood elf in the middle of an Alliance ship in an Alliance city. That would raise some eyebrows from anyone with half a brain, even Jaina. Once Shaw vouched for her Jaina was willing to listen to the message without being ready to frostbolt the messenger.

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The fact we players -who don´t even get paid for it- can easily remember details as such and they can´t is no excuse; if anything this makes the devs look either more pathetically incompetent or more outrageously unethical (and I think it´s option B in this case. Imho, they just like to pretend we don´t remember the stuff they put 2 min ago or we´re too stupid to figure it out -Ion putting his foot on his mouth and having to visit rogue forums to “interact” with us in WoD was one such ocasion-.


I like Calia on the Horde side. She offers contrast and she gives the Horde a kind leader.

Notice how Tyrande threw a fit at Calia. It made Calia look like the victim in that exchange.

We had that with Baine, and it’s not as if the other leaders are unkind.


Yes but now there will be more.

Even in the text you had both of the trolls seeking revenge, not saying that’s wrong, but now you’ll have another leader who seems to want to avoid conflict.

I think it’s pretty bad for the contrast of a race to be that race’s leader.


The bit between Calia and Tyrande has a bit of interest for me. My hope is that it leads to Calia having to personally confront and endure the very thing that made her people “forsaken” - the rejection by people they thought were their friends and family due to now being undead.

It’s my hope that, if we are truly going to be saddled with Calia having ANYTHING to do with the Forsaken (I really, REALLY don’t want it), then she should at least experience WHY they are “the Forsaken”. Having members of the Alliance like Tyrande and Genn flat out reject her solely to being an undead should embitter her towards the Alliance, or at least parts of it, and truly make her “Forsaken”. She should no longer be able to fully trust the Alliance, or at least not trust that Anduin can control parts of it, and thus work more closely with the Horde leadership to protect the Forsaken from the more zealous parts of the Alliance.

That all said, she should NOT be leader for at least another expansion… 11.0, I’d say. They need to build up her character more and show her actually coming to experience and understand what it means to be “Forsaken”. Until then, an actual Forsaken should lead them - Voss, Belmont, Faranell, Hecular, and/or Barov.



I think it leads to better storytelling. Even now if you look at the color palette between the two it’s a striking difference. The Forsaken are very dark and gloomy, whereas Calia is quite the opposite. She has very bright white and gold colors on her model.

I’m hoping they meet somewhere in the middle. It’s rather dull for the Forsaken story if they continue doing the same thing they were doing for the past fifteen years.

Exactly, the forsaken are a dark and gloomy race. That doesn’t necessarily have to mean evil, although the devs certainly went hard in that direction. I can understand why they’d go “okay you have to pull back now” with the blatant antagonism, but that shouldn’t mean Calia is a requirement in order to redirect them.

I don’t even like the idea of “meeting in the middle”, if it still assumes that Calia is in a leadership position. I’m also not expecting it to happen at all, because that ruins whatever plot point Blizzard wants to build toward with her being a Naaru-raised holy undead.


I don’t think Calia is a requirement, but they had the character since 2009. And if you’re going to get rid of Sylvanas and go in a new direction, yes you can use some of the other Forsaken that others have listed. But those Forsaken were apart of Sylvanas’s actions.

Voss clearly states that she feels bad for what she did. So she may not be the best one to lead the Forsaken after Sylvanas.

That leads to having a fresh face. Someone who is not related to Sylvanas, but still related to the Forsaken. Calia fits that category and she is a blank slate. Besides being a political pawn for Lordaeron she had zero lore. That’s the perfect character for what they need.

Now Blizzard can go in and build this character from the bottom up to fit exactly what they need in their story. They don’t need to worry about making someone else the leader and possibly changing that character too much.

She really doesn’t seem like a forsaken though, like at all. And personally I hate the idea of an effectively new character (even if she technically existed since 2009 like you say) just being plucked out of thin air to cram into the vacant leadership spot.

Most of what you said is technically correct but I still sorely dislike the idea of it being Calia of all people. And I also really don’t like the idea of a blank slate character suddenly being pushed to the front in a blatant attempt of sprucing her up to be there. Is it really too much to expect that a race’s replacement leader is “homegrown” from that race and current faction?


There’s literally nobody relevant and known by the general playerbase save for Lilian who isn’t suitable for a host of other reasons (in particular, the will of her own character).

Aelthalyste was a close second in my mind, except Blizz decided to retcon Cult of Forgotten Shadow to having died rather than being the primary Forsaken religion.

The rest are dudes, and for a variety of reasons Blizzard simply isn’t going to replace a Girl Leader with a Boy Leader.

That’s why I really firmly think Calia is the best choice and you can create a Council around her of the various factions/focuses of all of Forsaken society.

Keep Aelthalyste for Cult of Forgotten Shadow/raised by Arthas angle, keep Velonara for Dark Ranger High Elf origin angle, keep Lilian for Lordaeronian Human self-loathing angle, add Delaryn for the Sylvanas-raised Night Elf angle.

So you have a Blank Slate character that can be used to uplift the different parts of the Forsaken, which is arguably better than the Sylvanas-centric Boring Human + Cool Dark Ranger norm we had.

Keep the boys around for secondary council (Belmont, the Apothecary dude, etc).

I agree they could have picked someone else and it would have made more sense. But Calia Menethil, especially blank slate minor character not used since the Arthas novel, really is a writers dreams.

They could have made Voss leader. But Voss is already established, she’s gone through changes I mean… she was always kind of “not really Forsaken” to becoming Forsaken in BFA and then at the end she’s like “I’m not that kind of Forsaken”.

And yes, we know Voss. Actually I really like Voss. She’s a complete story that is experienced solely through playing as a Horde player. Like you meet her in the starting zone and then throughout the dungeons. It’s a really nice tale seeing Voss and her journey.

But is Voss really the right person to “heal” the Forsaken? Because that seems to be Blizzards motive right now. They want to wash away Sylvanas’s sins and heal the Forsaken.

One criticism I will offer toward Calia after defending her on so many threads is I don’t like how she is “healing” people. I’m not sure how experienced she is, I understand she was healed through the Light. But… she has very limited world experiences.

I like her because she seems like a kind hearted character, but I didn’t understand where she is getting the experience to heal people. I’d much prefer if she did this with Alonsus since he has experience in dealing with the Light as a Forsaken.

Oh well, hopefully they answer it in the new novel.