Lead Rewards Designer left Blizzard

The Vault can be fixed for raiding, I’ve explained how to do it, before.

I’ve felt for a long time that a lot of Blizzard’s pointless redesigns are because they’re looking for things to put on their annual self-evaluations.

“Here are all the things I did this year” looks better than “I left this alone because people were happy with it.”


Who isn’t?

On the brightside all these problem people gone will maybe bring up the quality around here.


I don’t remember you ever explaining it. I mostly just you remember taking issue with it.

Ion or some other developer had a really clueless interview about gear tokens where they said it took away the instant gratification of getting your loot and that walking to a vendor was too troublesome. That’s how out of touch the current team is lol


I’ll be honest, of the things this guy has added, the vault is the one I think has the most potential to be a good addition. Just needs some fine tuning. Maybe a bounty option when you want to focus on a specific boss for one of your slots or a specific armor type.

I was never a fan of the ‘bonus roll’ and it just being 20g essentially.

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I wonder if it’s a requirement when you leave you need to take a picture in front of the statue holding the sword… and that your parting gift form blizzard lol.

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Or just the option to reroll the vault.

I’d accept that. I don’t have any issues with its current iteration, so really anything to gives folks a better experience with it is fine. I think a larger problem is not being able to trade your loot if you get something from a boss, regardless of it being an ilvl upgrade.

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Here you go.


It’ll be interesting to see how this translates into content, especially at endgame.

The sword is given to every employee on their 5th anniversary.

That was mentioned by a blue post on PTR or CC Forums like a couple of weeks ago for Castle Nathria, when they could just added a vendor inside the raid…

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Its like when PvP vendors were removed because Ion was too dumb to find them lol


How about simply letting raid teams choose which boss to start on for the week, without locking out the remaining bosses?

We locked out Painsmith for more weeks than any of us would have liked, and missed out on lots of Mythic Raid loot from the chest, because it was important to us.

If we had the option to start on Painsmith each week, with the option to return to earlier bosses, we surely could have devoted 5 hours to prog and one to clearing the first three to ensure we got an option from the vault.

Ideally the Great Vault gets catapulted into the sea and is replaced with a much better alternative so that none of this matters.

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PvP vendors were removed but players still have to find the pvp chest on BFA…that was something that doesn’t have a good excuse…

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They aren’t very good at game design


I’m saying that a large portion of system/reward loops have already been ironed on paper long ago. Takes a while to wring out old ideologies.

If you ask me, idk how they launched SL, when it was obvious that the design around Covenants was against Meta and that players really like to go around a meta nowdays and not roleplay. If you want to Tank M+ a specific covenant BIS, but if you want to do DPS spec on arenas another covenant BIS… it was really an obvious issue since PTR. For me that impacted the whole expansion for a massive playerbase

It’s certainly an interesting idea, but of course the balancing point is tricky.

Like, my current guild has extended for the past 20 weeks, more than 2/3 of the tier is raid extensions when all will be said and done. How exactly would that work in terms of Vault points? I’m sure you’d love to balance the tipping point such that it work would well for your guild, but whose to say what is the correct tipping point such that a guild can start “extending forever” and last until CE?

It’s just a big mess. Interesting idea, but the implementation of trying to get that exact number right seems crazy.

Also, nice to see my old posts, I still think that fixing the raid extend meta is the correct way to go. Great Vault is just a symptom.