Lead Rewards Designer left Blizzard

It’s obvious they removed them because of the m+ introduction. Can’t have highly deterministic loot exist alongside high rng. One system will collapse. Look back at what happened for BFA and SL s1 for pvp. High participation rates because the gear was competitive ilvl.

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That’s why i would like determinisitc for both scenarios.

Umm yeah we can’t do that. Otherwise you’ll unsub.

Why i’ll unsub? if they do that i’ll just move to my next alt and get determinisitc rewards, now i don’t even try alts… I could push M+ higher or focus on just enjoying pvp, that’s how pvp players that already have all the gear handle the game.

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You wouldnt need half or even all of those things, if

  • Wrath Glyphs stayed
  • Badges weren’t removed

yeah well that guy if he was responsible for gear rewards could never get straight that assassination rogues only use daggers. From MoP to Shadowlands this was an ongoing problem.

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For real. To get Poxstorm for my main I had to run nothing but Plaguefall for an entire week and it was only luck it turned up in the vault. The drop rates this xpac are absurd.


Having the GV for raiding makes perfect sense. It’s just a really bad execution that doesn’t mesh well with how raiding actually works in progress.

If the execution was better, the raiding GV would be fine. As it stands now, the only time the Raiding Vault actually works well is when you’ve already gotten CE and the raid is on farm, and by then it’s rewards are kinda pointless.

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First off, heroic raiding should reward the same item level gear from the vault as a +15 key.

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I don’t think they play their own game in any capacity.


Ion’s character says a lot https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/malganis/gurgthock


It’s pretty obvious he’s been putting out fires for the past few months. Also since he’s a GM it be pretty odd to have people playing the game in a manner not similar to yourself. And last I checked he had 2-3 azeroth’s champion players in his guild (aka people playing bfa alot).

Dear new Lead Reward person,

I don’t know if this falls under your jurisdiction or not, but having 20 different anima knickknacks and 10 different research things clogging up my bag after 30 minutes of adventuring around in your end game zones isn’t fun. Can we not do that going forward? Thanks.


I hope the next lead “rewards” designer undoes EVERYTHING this man oversaw the implementation of and returns us to a better time in the game.

There’s an obvious correlation here and this is the best WoW news of the last 2 weeks.


Hire the final fantasy rewards lead, and we’d be heading in the right direction.


Good. The reward systems in this game are garbage.


I don’t think he’ll read this GD thread but hopefully some CC member mention that, because the idea of items for currency like anima and korthia knowlege its really bad… it takes so much bag space


I always find it frightening when one person has so much control over so much of the game.


Oh good, maybe we’ll get someone in there that understands how to create a decent loot system


i liked the great vault (it was a great improvement over what we had with the weekly chest)

I’m sure this designer has done great things and was passionate about his art…but i think things with systems/rewards have gone stale for the past 3-4 expansions…i def want to see a new lead designer in his now vacant position - i’d be supportive of a brand new dev not currently on the current existing wow team even.

It’s the little things - like our epics armor pieces have just been stat sticks for years now…when old classic era MC-TBC epics are more interesting than loot from Sylvannas Mythic…that’s a sign that we need fresh imagination

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