Lead pvp dev & Suggestions?

Does Blizzard have a official lead pvp developer?
If not when is the community receiving a core pvp lead?

Not much is told to the pvp portion of the community for fixes or in the works from either the main website or twitter from my understanding.

Any plans to re-look into adding back World Defense? It was a primary way for pvpers to have some end game content or a side of fun. Removed due to implantation of Warmode, however this is decent for pve servers that want to pvp however it harmed pvp over all of Azeroth and not to mention it was those players choice to play on a PvE server in the first place and this effect has taken a very negative toll on gem servers like Emerald Dream which had a very high wpvp rate and a fairly decent population ratio which was almost equal.

So far all I know is in shadowlands Conquest vendors are coming back which is a step in the right direction however I hope that’s not all the pvp community is receiving not to mention how bare and empty the pvp community receives blue posts from devs in the pvp directory of these forums.

So with criticism I’ll try and post ideas on how to improve on some activities for pvpers on the situation and make this not only a negative feedback post so here is my 2cents on possible ways to improve content for pvp players.

  1. Control point objectives - In the pass we had control points in Outlands with Hellfire Peninsula which encouraged pvp & controlling the point to receive badges which could be spent with the corresponding reputation vendor which could hold anything from specific enchants for gear or solid gear piece upgrades all together. (This system could be implemented again or expanded onto)

  2. Fixing World Pvp - By re-implementing world pvp announcements again and attaching random world objectives or quests on the matter or either killing X guards & Players in X zone. This would encourage engaging pvp for those that wait for cities to be attacked so they can defend them for faction pride (Again this system can be expanded onto a lot)

  3. Wpvp map ping alerts - Anywhere in the world it shows a red circle or alert symbol where horde are attacking or a guard or player has died recently this would sort of work like how the bounty system works now however but this would instantaneously pop up as a red circle or red flag indicating pvp has happen here and a member of your faction could go check it out to engage in wpvp.(Maybe a new reward system could help with this also vanity items for example to encourage it)

  4. For future effects like Heart of Azeroth traits or “Corruption gear” - Disable these effects in ranked pvp, Rng has no place in pvp in my honest opinion nor is it fun to be almost one shot by abusable mechanics I’m unsure how this was allowed but I’ll just hope this was a honest mistake. (This also includes effects from Legendary items at least in rank play I feel its fine in normal battlegrounds and wpvp it’s fine as long as it’s not to devastatingly op)

  5. Bring out more achievements that relate with rewards to go into a capital city to do a number on guards or players to engage people to pvp or even help guilds organize events even if its zerg pvp.

  6. Revert Warmode implementation on Pvp servers if this is what it takes to re implement World Defense into the community and get faction fights going again around all of Azeroth to reignite the rivalry rather than just current xpack content. For low pop servers and PvE servers leave this as a option but for some of the pvp servers which already had a decent population Idk see how this helped much.

7.Server exclusive Pvp Tournaments - make a area like brawler guild where certain times a month players can gather to a area to participate on being number 1 for exclusive rewards for being first place on there corresponding server. From 1v1’s - 3v3’s this can make servers get more competitive and form rivalries easier than always fighting people from different servers and never seeing that player again or even give potential chances for new members to team up and become friends. (This could include special gear rewards like the old challenge mode gear during MoP which was unique. also I did a bad job on elaborating this system which I believe is a decent idea with the right execution could be a great event for pvpers in other words it could be a unique event that happens once a week like the fishing tournaments but more pvp related)

  1. DUELING - Please make Org and SW active again by adding a npc which will instantly reset cd’s and health and mana or even make a portal leading to a new duel zone where both horde and alliance can duel one another in a safe zone where you can’t be killed only dropped down to 1hp than you simply talk to a npc to fully reset your cooldowns and ensure a full reset to instantly begin another duel. This is a fantastic way for players to understand how to 1 v 1 classes or understand how opposing classes work or have fun with friends or guild mates or even meet new friends. (Currently in BFA dueling is dead which is very sad to see)

  2. Gurubashi 2.0? - Make another Ring to fight for a rare trinket or item that has a very nice effect on it which helps with pvp which makes players engage in intense fights for a chest in the center sort of like Darkmood fair or Gurubashi but this could be implemented in a area in Shadowlands or a future xpack. (Just don’t make the item so op or worth while that it breaks pvp but enough to make players deftly want it so it’s not dead content on release.

This is just a few things I could think of or held conversations with other pvpers over the years that we wish we had. I’m sorry for the constant English errors…I know there is many but I hope some could at least understand some of the concepts and overall it’s a conversation with the pvp community. I also understand this is just my opinion and a lot of it probably won’t be discussed or looked into but we have to do something If we care about the state of pvp or where it heads in the future.

It would be nice for others to post and criticize or post opinions on what they would like to see for the pvp additions etc for the future of the game.


Where is the blue post response to this?


It speaks volumes to the state of PvP that things don’t get looked, adjusted and patched until after it hits AWC. That is the level of priority they have for PvP. The expansion where both factions were at war, yet nothing happened for player vs. player. If that is not the case, it certainly is the impression they are giving. Everyone knew how broken corruptions, and certain abilities from certain classes have been. It only took AWC to show case them in such a spectacular fashion for them to bring the nerf live.

I genuinely don’t know that there is a PvP Lead Developer or even a pvp team. Whoever it is certainly has never shown their face through any forum during this expansion. Not throwing shade, just a fact.


That sounds like a good start Vengz.

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Cool story bro but when is the next dungeon or raid coming out since that’s what really matters?

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I thought that was Holinka. Or did he get moved to Classes?

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Chris Kaleiki is the supposed PvP dev, or the only one that identifies as such on Twitter. You can tweet at him there, he’s pretty easy to find and sometimes responds.

He doesn’t seem very interested in any of the problems plaguing PvP though.


He was moved to work on Combat design or something.

It WAS holinka… he brought trashran in WoD… he now does class design… … …

Ion hates pvp. For as long as he remains game director, pvp will be a joke.


I think this is the last known interview with a WoW PvP game developer. :rofl:

https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=IZDzMbTRV6E
(remove the spaces)

Holinka is supposed to be back and the one working on PVP issues and changes.

I’m not a fan of PVP power coming back. Just leave versatility as the pseudo PvP stat.

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Well to be fair I am very happy if Pvp power comes back however it’s in Alpha so nothings set in stone in till blizzard says so. I believe Pvp power is nice for the fact it makes pvp gear feel a lot better and makes it feel like our own progression same with Resilience. I think Versa is to PvE friendly and I want it to be like it use to be back from Wotlk - MoP/WoD. I just hope to see a lot of the HoA & corrupted effect due away with now that we have more ability’s coming back + covenant abilitys. We will see how things shape up but honestly It’s nice to hear anything when it comes to making pvp better since it’s usually rare news to adjust pvp.


Like only 2 pvp servers had a *near 50-50 split which is horrible.

i stand by a squad based BR pvp mode…

condense servers so everything has at least a medium population.


I truly miss the days when we had more stats to base our builds so people had more dedicated choices from Prismatic sockets & Red,blue,yellow gem slots and shoulder,helm, chest, leg, glove, boot, rings & weapon enchants for random things like Armor pen,Spell Pen, Expertise,dodge,parry,hit,resistances,resilience,str,agil,int etc I disliked how they combined a lot of stuff or centralized stuff into just “avoidance” or “Versatility” or moved it to Tanks only etc. I feel as a rpgmmo making things simple makes the math portion of it not as fun with self formulas of figuring out builds. This was another reason why I use to enjoy Hybrid builds with the talent tree since it gave choice and decisions regardless of pure cookiecutters not everyone did that is what I’m trying to say. While Johnny is awesome at single target Jessica might be a god at AoE and so on…


I would state that the removal of stat points like parry hit, dodge, expertise was great.

However, the issue is Blizzard never did enough to replace those stats reducing complexity as a whole.


Right now in Alpha the pvp power is only a buff effect triggered from it which will increase your str/int or agil. It’s not a base line perk like resil or old pvp power…But yeah I agree with what you say however and good suggestions as well nice to see atleast someone cares in the pvp community.

I’ve been thinking about this. Feels like since he became game director, PvP has gone downhill.