Lead pvp dev & Suggestions?

I don’t want to throw dirt at only Ion but I have to agree it seems he hates the pvpers in the game. Pvp in this game is greatly gone down hill after MoP imo. Pretty pathetic we don’t even have a official out spoken pvp leader dev pvp the only thing i do in wow which last 2 xpacks i been unsubbed the most in all of my 15years of playing…Still love wow just dislike the Rng and loss of ability’s and disaster of stats & mmo customization


Ion is like rank 5 honor. Before he started to destroy the game as game director, I believe that he was the lead raid designer.

He did well developing raids. His passion is raiding, so he focuses a ton of the horde Dev’s resources in that area and lets pvp go grossly imbalanced and removes pvp vendors because the players are too stupid to find them…


That is correct.

I think if they could bring back Dueling to be popular alone would make me happy and Honor & Conquest vendors…All i want.

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I’m pretty sure they brought back six pac abs holinka. So expect Ashran 2.0 in SL.


Bring back World Defense.


He’s not involved directly with pvp. he’s working as lead combat developer.

It is a widespread opinion that he does his job well, he’s obviously doing it well enough for you to stay around too. He’s shown his devotion and dedication to this game in more ways than you would know.

If Ion hated PvP we would have flying right at max level back again.

What about before he was director? People said Blizzard hated PvP and that it was a joke before he was lead too? Do you even know when he got lead or is this just another bash on someone post?

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Yep Pvp or riot honestly, I barely played this xpack due to how bad pvp is and i refuse to be forced into pve to gear for pvp. Shadowlands will be the last time I play as well unless pvp gets fixed other wise I’ll just go back to Final Fantasy 14 and League of legends.


Widespread opinion that he is good as game director if you shill for blizzard or play horde, maybe. He has been devoted to horde, that is for sure, not the game.

Just because people are still subbed, down millions of subs, is a poor indicator of how well one is doing at there job. Blizz thought so, too, after losing millions of subs, so they switched to time played metrics and we are left to guess the true sub count, which I guess at 1.5-3 million.

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No, he’s devoted to the game because his paycheck depends on it. His paycheck doesn’t depend on some pretend faction loyalty.

I’d guess 15 million. So here we are. Both of us just made up numbers on the spot.

I disagree with the practice of companies like Blizz forcing their employees to post only good things about their overlords on the forums.

My guess of subs comes from disbanded guilds and empty lists of people no longer logging into the game. Your sub guess comes from your shilling for Blizz. Hard to say who is more accurate.

Ion has no loyalty to horde, except that he mains horde and leads the horde guild Elitist Jerks. Amongst many other things I’ve exhausted in other threads.

He makes the company money from ignoring the ToS and allowing guilds to sell carries and advertise in lfg, and the wow token which people get with real money then exchange it for gold to buy runs from guilds who violate ToS. This makes up for the millions of lost subs that their silly business decisions cost them, like no flying.

I hope your Blizz forum shilling shift is over soon.

I understand we have disagreements but lets try and keep this how to better pvp’s future…My opinion is this Ion could take time to care more for the pvp community even if there isn’t a true core leader of it currently or even put fourth a little bit of care to awnsering questions on twitter or even the forums section for Pvp,arena and battlegrounds . I can deftly agree that millions people have left due to the lack of care for pvp my guild in legion and even BFA was prime examples for me personally but before that i was in a pvp centric guild for almost 7 years than we lost pvp gear progression…There is a lot of reasons why people would quit but pvp use to be a big core value of the game and in time it slowly depleted with lack of updates or care. I would point this issue at the Blizzard corp & Activision in general with spacing out all there employees and making all these random games off the success from world of warcraft and not understanding how crucial the pvp community looks forwards of hope in the future and when you look into a box for a solution all you find is spider webs and dust you start to get concerned. Imagine if PvE players went into a xpack and all of a sudden raids wasn’t a option anymore only more varieties of mythic plus content instead.

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As long as the current Blizz Devs remain in power, Blizz will continue to ignore pvp and the overall will be grossly time gated.

The more I read about SL, the more I feel it will be BfA 2.0.

Fun gameplay is secondary to artificially keeping players subbed as long as possible and micro-transactions to make a ton of short term money at long term cost.

Blizz seems to be playing the business game of immediate assets (cash grab) and long term liability (steady decline in subs and customer loyalty) vs long term assists (continued subs) and immediate liability (cost to hire QA staff, good staff accountability, proper balancing, engaging gameplay).


I’d guesstimate the amount of subs at 7 or 8 million, with peaks of 9 to 10 million on expac launches and dropping off after the first couple of patches and gaining on the last patch.

Let’s be honest, Blizz has put out really bad expacs since after MoP, game design has gone downhill using rental/borrowed powers and over-saturated with layers of RNG never seen before, PvP has been even more of a mess with each expac, class design is hollow and reliant on these rental/borrowed powers to make them feel complete.

Blizz would be shouting their number of subs if they were consistently above 12 million subs. Let us not forget Ion commenting that players are “cyclical” because they come back for expac launches and new patches and then leave until the next and can’t retain them due to questionable game design decisions.


Neither are accurate. You don’t have any more of an educated guess than I do. You have no idea how many “disbanded guilds or empty lists of people no longer logging into WoW” that there are. You just made all that up.

Ion is the game director. His loyalty falls under the banner of the whole game, not some guild that doesn’t pay him nor a pretend faction in a video game. Us adults have bigger priorities than the Horde or Alliance, we look at the bigger picture.

Go ahead and explain your in-depth reasoning on how you think this makes Blizzard much, if any, money.

yeah, because tokens are selling like hot cakes for people to buy carries all day long.

Gonna need a source on this too.

Your continued dislike for posters on the forum shift will end sooner than later if you continue to break the forum code of conduct.

Harassing or Defamatory
This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity


That’s not the case, nothing was taken away from PvP. If you want to talk about gear being taken away then we can compare that to PvE also since tier sets were removed. Many players did, in fact, quit raiding due to this.

Literally the same thing people have been saying for 15 years, even after going through numerous developers. lol

Haha. Did you tell your Blizz manager on me while shilling for Blizz?

Blizz will suspend me for violating ToS while ignoring the violation of ToS by allowing guilds/players to advertise selling carries?

I guess one makes Blizz a lot of money while the other is critical of their hypocrisy.

When your shift ends at Blizz for shilling on the forums, send me a note and tell me your true thoughts on the current state of the game.