Lead narrative designers ideas

Steve Danuser literally tweeted “Well, I thought it was brilliant.” in response to the Game of Thrones ending. An ending that is HATED by 99% of people! How can someone like this be senior game designer and lead narrative designer for World of Warcraft?

He’s lead narrative designer for WOW and he thinks the ending of GOT was “brilliant”? No wonder Shadowlands was so terrible!

Is there any hope for the next expansion? What are your thoughts on this

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I thought we made our thoughts clear on the 500 other threads saying the exact same thing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


People need to feel special by spamming more threads of their own. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Didn’t se any current threads and I know its against Forum rules to comment on old posts

WoW Lead narrative designer bad, updoot me


if 10.0 is danusers baby then shadowlands was an abortion


So no hope, got it. Updoot given.

And there are more. Lots of unhappy people.


I love you

Shadowlands should have been Steve’s prequel to 10.0 showing off his writing talents, maybe he’s a good writer. But shadowlands doesn’t show if he’s a good writer, IF (speculation time) shadowlands is a hot mess because Steve wanted it to burn because of the whole Afrasiabi ordeal then shame on him for not separating the art from the artist.

You say that now… :kissing_heart:

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I don’t care about his opinion regarding GOT, yes it was a bad season but he could do a better job and still like that series season.

I was expecting someone in the council to bring topics about lore but there’s not people talking about that when GD has like 500 threads…

What i really hate about the current design around narrative is that they’re doing transmedia with books every expansion, i know they have books and comics before but those weren’t link to the main events of the current wow expansions.

The conclusion for Talanji,Rasthakan, Bwonsamdi story was explained on shadows rising instead of a new questline , scenario, cinematic in game. there’s a huge playerbase that won’t get some plotlines regarding BFA because of the whole before the storm book not being adapted in game.

Now one of my favorite characters Sylvanas (well until Legion then her character was destroyed) will have a lot of development in a book instead of providing that via new questlines.

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Steve does love his Transmedia and believes it’s for the best. there is a article from 2009 where steve is talking about Transmedia for an MMO he was working on at the time.

No wonder people dislike community council.

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I’ve mix emotions because it was implemented at a bad time, few players on first wave, few devs responses, lack of topics like professions and lore, maybe some hot topics that council members don’t want to bring or there’s a lack of players with experience on those areas.

Still waiting for more Blizzard updates on the mechanic, on the video they mentioned calls with council like Q&A that i’ll assume those should be public… Etc

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Some ppl like to get peed on too