Lead Design : Bring back Jeff Kaplan

Jeff Kaplan was never lead design in WoW to my knowledge.

You have no evidence for that because you haven’t played it.

I’m not telling people to purchase it. Nor did I ever. I’m saying there is no reason to hate on something you haven’t played. Now can we keep this out of conversation? Because it isn’t nor was ever the point.

I said not to judge something until we actually have it datamined or played in some regard. I made fun of the fact that despite you hating on the direction of the game and the game developer leading it, you still bought the expansion knowing nothing was going to change.

Also you completely admitted you made a stupid purchase. Congrats. You proved my point.

He was lead world designer ever since vanilla until Overwatch began development.

Yes there will always be complaints…fair. And those complaints are moments in time. Imagine thinking classes being homogenized at cata was a problem compared to where we are now where classes are effectively cosmetic effects.
Your argument was that cata is improving because of rose tint. It’s not. Cata is improving because it’s demonstratively a better version of wow than bfa. And I hate cata as the moment wow lost its soul by catering to baddies.

You think you do… But you don’t.

The devs actually do listen to feedback but, as you pointed out no matter what they do someones gonna have an issue with it. Many changes in bfa were brought on by player feedback yet it wasnt 5 minutes after the change that another crowd starting screaming bloody murder. Ya know the old saying “give a mouse a cookie and another mouse will complain you didnt add playable vrykul half elves”


Everyone has their own favorite time.

Mine was Legion. I felt that was the best version of WoW all things considered.

For some WoW died with TBC, or the easy mode Wrath when all the “wrath babies” took over and dumbed the game downs.

Maybe it’s rose tint for some and not for others. It’s a spectrum. Wrath was pretty heavily criticized back when it was current.

Or maybe it’s selection bias where the people who dislikes a given expansion the most are gone and therefore their input isn’t shown anymore? And maybe people who would have liked it didn’t play it?

Who knows.

All I know is GD will continue to be a salt factory and entertainment until the servers shut down.

No Rob Pardo was, Rob actually was the one who got Jeff on the team. He(Jeff) was a Game designer on the team with Vanilla, lead designer in BC with Chilton and Pardo.

mobygames .com/game/windows/world-of-warcraft/credits

mobygames. com /game/windows/world-of-warcraft-the-burning-crusade/credits

mobygames. com /game/windows/world-of-warcraft-wrath-of-the-lich-king/credits

engadget. com /2009/02/12/ jeff-kaplan-leaving-world-of-warcraft/?guccounter=1

Yeah dude I know. Jeff was a lead world designer though.

I feel you desperately want to communicate an idea here, I’m just not sure a what it is.

I said “if” I knew Shadowlands was going to be BFA 2.0 I’d cancel my preorder. What you’re saying seems like a whole other conversation I ddin’t have.

In your other post you were making long sweeping comments about it… defending it or clarifying people don’t know what it was. The “defense” was to keep an open mind about it. Again, I feel you’re trying to have an argument with another conversation that isn’t transpiring.

You can cancel you preorder…

You’re an idiot… That is the point.

Desperately? Dude you’ve spent your time trying to change the topic of conversation away. The point I made was I made fun of you for making a stupid purchase. You even admitted you did.

And point me to the area in which I specifically said to buy it? Hmmmm… it doesn’t seem like I ever did.

You already got the armor. So you can’t refund unless you live in Australia or something.

Do you have an argument or are you just going to baby rage and deflect? Man you’re pathetic.

Let’s bring back the man that players hated. Why do we have to stop at Kraplan? What about Ghost Crawler? Or Geoff Badman?

Let’s get the man that made Wrath ridiculously easy. I can’t imagine what GD would become when everyone can solo most dungeons with green gear, raid in blues, and vendor their purples.

Let’s also get the man that DOESNT communicate to the community at all when the plaudits stop and the criticisms start.

Kraplan has his own demons in Overwatch in that the game is tanking in the ‘esports’ realm and that Hero metas are stale and boring.

Such a perfect fit. Make it happen.

Weird, I was thinking the same thing about your incoherent rant.

I don’t recall the hate and I certainly don’t remember decisions that upset a whole community that impacted the game in a taxing mobile game’esk fashion. It was more tongue in cheek and his ability (however awkward) to communicate with the community.

To say it another way, I don’t remember “hating” new “features” or decisions till WoD forward.

It’s amazing that players suckling on nostalgia have such selective memories.

Looking for Group, Gear Score, Heirloom Gear, Northrend Flying Training, Wintergrasp, Naxxramas, Wrath Dungeons, The Argent Tournament, Paladins, Death Knights, and others were all the subjects of player ire.

But as long as you don’t remember, I guess that never happened.

If Jeff was the lead you guys would hate him just as much as Ion.

Let’s not kid ourselves, this is a very thankless position.

We’ve been asking for minor changes to Pathfinder (like making it unlockable earlier) for THREE WHOLE EXPANSIONS now, and what is Ion’s response? “It’s a compromise and fine as it is, it will stay the same” as the crowd at Blizzcon literally boos him.


Its physically impossible to be the WoW game director or higher up and not hated during your time here.

Jeff Kaplan used to be a game director for WoW and he was not hated.

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that’s what happens when you live in an echo chamber and believe everything you do and say is perfect I mean Blizz-con attendees are some of the most loyal fans of the company that spend easily up to $1000+ just for travel and lodging expenses in addition to what they shell out for souvenirs etc at the actual event and if even they are booing you that should be a wake up call for anyone with half a brain that clearly something is bad wrong with YOUR decisions and perhaps you need to step back and reexamine the issue

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First of all, he wasn’t a lead designer, he was a game director. Second, Tigole was never “the guy” like Ion is now. He shared director duties with Brack and Chilton. Third and most important, absolutely no one was saying this kind of stuff about Tigole when he was game director because he had zero problem giving arrogant paint-huffers and other trolls the business when they came here crying for buffs and none of them were terribly happy about that. He was not some beloved figure who was missed greatly at the time he moved to Titan/OW.