Lead Design : Bring back Jeff Kaplan

No body? A search on the forums would suffice with people wanting GC back. :roll_eyes:

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I think somewhere, in the soup of ether and responses, I spoke about having direct conversations with Ghostcrawler about the BC/Wrath warrior and MM/SV hunter in Wrath.

Not to put Ion down, or monkeys… but I guess if you could have a monkey communicate the rational of it’s decision, that would be a step above what we have. I can’t FAULT people for having an opinion on whom they thought has done a better job. That’s subjective and would be as if I argued with somebody who likes strawberry ice cream over chocolate.

The problem is if you read the only communication he had done with a website called Millenium seems to contradict himself in regards to the essence. An odd choice to vocalize his thought process but… none the less…

At its core, when it comes to the question of what is account-bound versus what is character-specific, the line that we’ve always drawn is that access to content is something that we had to unlock across an entire account.

When you unlock access to world quests, islands, Siege of Boralus as a dungeon — that’s something that all your characters can jump in and do. We don’t want to force you, the player, to have to go through the same process of unlocking access to content.

But power, and Essences at the end of the day — when you’re getting them by defeating a raid boss, clearing a Mythic+, buying them off a vendor after earning the currency to obtain them — they’re not that different to trinkets, items, or things like the Legendary ring or cloak we’ve had in the past. They’re core player power.

So here he gives some reason of his thought process. So why give new players the level 50 neck? Isn’t that a contradiction? but, he continues

“Our current plan is more or less what players have seen on the PTR for Visions of N’Zoth . We have reduced the requirements for obtaining many of the older Essences that came from Rise of Azshara”

Ok, so he acknowledges reducing the requirements to obtain them… and then say this…

Now, without question we’ve heard player feedback and concerns about the way this system has played out, and that it can feel like a barrier to playing alts for many, and we agree

Wait what?! You agree it’s a barrier for alts? Then this mind blower acknowledging its a bad idea in the future.

So, that’s something we’re looking at — acquisition rates overall, and tuning there — and certainly the lessons learned from this are going to inform how we design any such system in the future.

So we KNOW it’s a bad thing but we’re going to do it anyhow? …and finally

“But account-wide Essences are not on the table for Visions of N’Zoth.”

At the end of the day that essences are a feature of the expansion, not like trinkets or weapons. I think it’s silly that your alt is forced to find raid groups in the Eternal Palace for 3 weeks or w.e for full clears just to get Condensed Life-Force or level all 3 Nazjatar friends to rank 15 so you can have rank 3 Lucid dreams. Feels bad.

Side note, is it me or is it annoying you’re doing a quote to a person and the forums autodelete the quote?

Rob Pardo is, imo, the only one who could turn it around(and he would need a couple years at least). Also, the current creative director not being Metzen has been horrific as well. You would need to gut HR and then move a lot of people currently on the team to other projects to get their hands off it(pretty much the entire writing staff as well).

I agree make Jeff lead on WoW would be great to have one to the originals back in control of the game. Let Ion have Overwatch.

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No, thanks. Kaplan is just as incompetent as the rest of them.


OP theres a gaming company called Con artist games the man that owns it makes games for FB and even though their entire staff is made of just 6 people the lead dev guy actually finds time to create content and still makes an appearance on their official forums every freaking day and yet Watcher cant find time in his busy schedule to drop in?

GC made the time and effort every so often and that just shows what they have that watcher doesn’t INTEGRETY he could learn a lot about being a leader from either one of those two

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Ya, there is a gaming company called Riot Games - Those devs from League of Legends often hold open Q&A’s with there player base. Try to make the game better for those who have suggestions or criticisms. They make game the for people who buy their created content and since they’re not publicly traded, they don’t care what “shareholders” want. Go figure.

another MMO called Entropia owned by a dutch company called mindark theyre 100% FTP and you can actually make RL money playing it by selling ingame items to other players and can convert it to actual cash they have a committee of representatives made up of players chosen in an election by players and the company pays for travel and lodging every few months and this groups meets with devs to discuss ingame issues and swap ideas etc

which is kind of funny a FTP MMO does that but Blizzard doesn’t

He would probably spend 96% of teh time trying to combat trade chat trolls.

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If I’m wrong I’d admit it… but, when a company goes out of it’s way t ignore feedback, it’s kind of obvious who they are interested in appeasing.

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oh we all know who Blizzard and Watcher are trying to appease and it isn’t the players “well not the majority of players anyway just the top 1% professional guild raiders etc” and the shareholders

THATS the only people theyre interested in designing the game for

Just promote Shani Edwards.

The art and animations department has been carrying WoW the last half decade. Imagine how much more allied races would come into the fold with Edwards in charge! Imagine the transmog possibilities and updated casting animations with staffs or even wands.

Glyph system revamped and offering cosmetic choices for spells.

at this point promoting anyone would vastly improve the games quality heck they could put a chimp in charge and WoWs design quality would increase probably 35% based on that alone

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Frank Aguilar could be promoted. The art in WoW the last few years has been good. Which is why Blizz should go back to tier set gear. I want to see what the A+++ WoW art team can do if given the resources.

well since hearthstone is pretty much in maintenance mode D3 is slowly phasing out for D4 and they’ve officially ended the Esports for OW to focus more on its sequel they could easily divert extra funding back into WoW

LOL! I hate getting those cards!

Let’s face it the players can’t handle the truth.


Jeff turned a potentially amazing and modern version of TF2 into a dumbed down, shield/cc/knockback/autoaiming mess.

I don’t remember mop game play being thrashed I remember mop thematics being thrashed.

Pandas are one of the least played races
Monks are one of the least played classes.

Seems like memory is holding. But the other problem is things do deteriorate. It’s one of the reasons WOD is even getting arguments about not being the worst expansion.

Dailies were crucified.

The play complaints were all classes having everything and were homogenized to heck. all the instant CC, classes like rogues and hunters have almost 0 differentiation in their specs, and warlocks being stupid broken the entire expansion.

The time gated and forced grind of the legendary cape on every toon.

I’m not saying it wasn’t better, but if you try and go by the forums you’ll see consistent conflicting complaints because the playerbase is so diverse. So no matter what happens it ends with people upset.

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