If you’ve played last years, you most likely have all the rewards…all they did was recolor the armor sets, mounts and added a pet or two. Blizzard if your running out of pirate themed rewards, you can always reward “non pirate themed” rewards, we won’t be mad at you. It’s like why even play for reskins…they could have done much more this time around with it and they missed the mark on rewards for sure.
I dunno, the black and purple set looks amazing compared to the red one from original plunderstorm. And the black eyepatch l.
Eh yeah, maybe if they had more class specific sets and stuff, maybe some ensembles I would have stuck around, played like 10 matches got the crocodile mount and got out.
Oh no, Blizzard isn’t punishing players who grinded out all the rewards the first time. The horror.
Class specific sets belong in raids or challenge modes, not in a thematic game mode like plunderstorm. The rewards are fine.
They could at least have added a basolisk or like a swift zuliuan tiger or a swift spectral tiger to the list. I hated the brawlers guild and farming zg and now the BmAH
Man add a brewfest ram. The 60 percent speed one.
They should make it so that If I play 100 matches I get access to permanent wrath classic servers.
Im happier with the black recolors then most new things I can think of…
This is an optimal mode to distract us for a month or so before Patch 11.1.0 goes live. It’s obvious they won’t invest a lot of resources into rewards that are both limited-time and entirely optional.
I do appreciate most of the new rewards. Gonna get them all!
I just find it stupid. They wont release it for more than a few weeks at a time lol. Does that make any sense? Like why cant I play it whenever any time of the year. All day every day. And why is it only arathi basin? Arent there storms brewin elsewhere.
I don’t get it lol.
I like the pirate themed gear I ground them out last time I’m good with a recolor, the quests seem easier to do. I only just got on for a short time did one match made 7th so yay me, second match got attacked I fought hard but died then did a third match and got disconnected. I didn’t like plunderstorm at first when I played it the last time but it grew on me and now I’m going to grind out the rewards again.
@ likestohunt I agree can’t there be other zones to do besides arathi.
I think the rewards are fine (and arguably better this time around depending on who you ask) but I do think that having a variety of maps would be ideal.
I notice they have created a Plunderstorm forum and posts are being transferred there.
Thank goodness. The mode should mainly be for people who enjoy it, not as some weird carrot on a stick. I’m also glad that they made the new rewards fairly easy to obtain. I’ve already got the new outfit, and it wasn’t nearly as grindy as last time.
On the one hand, I balked because i had over half the rewards already .
On the other hand, this will make it so i can stop Plorm when it stops being fun, it won’t overstay its welcome for me.
I noticed that I seemed to have -everything- other than two mounts and two pets before the first match. How can the new stuff be new if I already have it all? Sadly the tinders weren’t available which would make it worthwhile…
They created class sets for the Trading Post. And the anniversary.
That aside… I see no issue with recolors, either. The only reason I’m playing it is because of the recolors. lol
I’m just annoyed you can’t get more tenders this time around.
This may come as a shock to you, but due to WoW’s (understandable) lack of a dye system many people DO, in fact, want recolors of items.
For once Blizzard isn’t punishing players because all of the items returned and if you did the 100k plunder grind in Season 1 you save time and only need to grind 39k.
Recolors are great especially when it’s Black/Purple which alot of people enjoy the color scheme.
Seeing as all of these should come back for Season 3 there will be no FOMO for the event (which awesome job Blizzard).
My only disappointment is:
They should add a 750 purchase from the plunderstore.
if you dont want pirate rewards then dont do it? i think the recolors look pretty good, certainly way better than the neon yellow from the trading post a few months ago