Laziest major new race in the history of the game

He didn’t he made a race so short sighted that since the very first male and female they see were those that is somehow the only forms the entire race ever choose for their visage.

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? I intend to play a dragon, not a visage. Humans and elves are already playable anyway o.0.

If I could show off my transmog, I’d be a lot happier with them. Also, I don’t even need the visage form at all. It’s like they couldn’t decide between making drakonids or Au Ra from FF14, so they tried to do both. I just want to play a badass dragon in full armor, not some blood elf with crap on his face.


:100:% Like, how do they even manage this?

People like mogging – No mogging

People like playing their preferred class – Can only be one class

People want to have race option for visage form, like all dragons in the game so far – Can only be male blood elf and human female

People want to play big beefy dragon – Skinny derp dragon only

People want to play skinny dragon – Ok, they kinda nailed this one.

People like playing male or female characters – Only option is neither (which I’d be super down for, and would be nice step forward, if the other two options were also available)

It’s just… how?