Layers and Character Creation Adjustments on Select Realms

“lcoked completely” – you mean “locked forever”? NO, of course not!

Blizzard has stated that both locking and layering were TEMPORARY measures, to handle the huge queues during the coronavirus. Their stated policy is to get rid of both when they can.

When? There is no planned date. It’s the future. It depends on what happens when. Blizzard will decide. You and I won’t.

So here’s what’s going through my mind:

  • Return to wow to play wow classic with friends
  • Cannot play on their server since it is locked
  • Neither group wanting to go to a low pop server
  • Uncertain duration of server lockdown

Is the only solution right now to pay for character transfers for them to go to an unlocked high pop server? Or I wait for their server to unlock so I can pay for a xfer to theirs? Wait around by messing with addons? I just feel like the only solution is to burn more money on top of the active sub. I guess it’s the original wow classic experience tho. Along with my friends having had super long wait times. This is what we paid for right? The classic experience?

I suppose it’s come to the point where I have nothing else I care to do other than to complain on the forums.

Thoughts? Insults? Ideas? Any feed back is welcome.
Am I too salty? Probably?

The saddest thing is you keep copying and pasting this post in every thread
including one that had nothing to do with queues pops locks or layering

You are currently layering realms that you are not offering transfers of off. What are your plans to address the population problem and remove layering?

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Can we just have one capital city layer to ease the layer hopping WBuff craze?

This sucks really hard. I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing any horde around the other day…I remember back when layers first came off and it was like Night and Day.

The layers are SO BAD for world pvp. Don’t you get that?

We could, if vanilla’s gameworld’s design supported sharding
unfortunately it does not or they could have used sharding rather than layering

If only, that would be nice

Any timeline of when would these servers be unrestricted, unlocked and open for paid character transfers?

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NO! Theres a million servers and you people keep on packing on to ours that are already full.

Go somewhere else… Sick of this nonsense. I swear the playerbase created this problem and continues to contribute to it. Then they finally stop you and all you guys do is cry now that you CANNOT FURTHER PACK THE CLOSED REALMS!

We had queues, we have LAYERS and you guys are still still still trying to make excuses for packing more and more onto these realms.

Go to one of the other servers. There’s a bunch of them.

Locking these realms is the best thing Blizzard has done. Ever since they did Pagle is still full asf; but the layers have at least let us login. The world cannot stand more people though. Even with layers the leveling zones are just chock full of people. All camps of mobs dead, everything It’s too much.

Cant believe this… its crazy man… The other servers have the same content, and many of them have healthy populations. Why on earth wont you guys play elsewhere.

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This should have been addressed 6 months ago at launch:

  1. max server population of 12,000 (yes it’s way too much I know, over time as we see in the demographics about 1/4 of the players who launched are still playing and raiding regularly so that gives you that magic 3,000 number)
  2. Set the pace of phase releases to reflect 1-2 year roll outs of a server (customize servers with slow release fast release etc)
  3. state up front if this server will ‘progress into TBC’ or ‘wrath’ etc so that players who NEVER WANT ANYTHING OTHER THAN VANILLA will not lose a large % of their server when new expansions are released creating a ghost town in IF/Org

Opening free server transfers did help move players from heavy population realms and made them arguably ‘better’ but for example it DESTROYED servers like Earthfury (where I PAID to go {before it was free} to level an alt in hopes of less ganking) and now I am 'locked out from even going BACK to the server I came from sigh

So, here is what you should do NOW. Incorporate any plans that you may have of TBC and servers NOW and get it all set up.

  1. All servers you listed here are PERMANENT they will NOT be going to TBC. They will get the ‘copy’ option to another new TBC server. (Staple servers like Fairbanks, Whitemane, etc these communities are strong and should not be messed with)
  2. Create a handful of “FRESH” Classic* Wow servers and set ALL RULES BEFORE it launches. (and YES people will DEFINITELY leave their fully geared 60’s and start over… they may even resubscribe just to do that)

Example rules: (NO CHARACTOR TRANSFERS PERIOD; the server will NOT be going to TBC after Naxx; Slow phase roll out for content; Set maximum of 12,000 players at a time (6,000 spots for horde/alliance. horde players may have que while alliance does not etc very important for pvp servers), NO LAYERING; (at launch, maybe have ‘shifts’ a player is allowed to play 6 hours at a time and then mandatory kicked and having to reque or use ‘layering’ but only for the first 36 hours? … impossible to get to 60 and farm black lotus etc. if server caps are set it wont matter at the start to use layering. Whatever you want for Fresh launch find the happy medium learn from mistakes)

Servers should be customized. rules established before hand and the people you will want to play with will show up to play on those servers that fit your style.

All that said i’d rather you just LEAVE IT ALONE and let the community ‘govern’ itself. I agree with other postings that say ‘no transfers’ but that is not what ruined Earthfury … that was FREE EN MASS Server transfers from overcrowded ‘big city’ servers into ‘mom and pop’ small town servers. And those two don’t really mix

  • edit is denoted with asterisk
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The problem is they’d have to start from level 1 in an already populated server. They’d be the underdog

they cant transfer into the place they want to go to.
We need a Fresh server with pre defined intentions (as an option) as well as a way to fix /merge servers to help correct 99% horde / alliance imbalance on pvp servers. All of these issues are related (not to mention what will they do about ghost towns when players leave to go play TBC if it comes as per the leaked survey)

Are you saying 12,000 concurrent logins, or 12,000 accounts allowed on the realm.

12,000 concurrent is too high by a very long ways, realm would be swamped

Where as 12,000 total might be loo low, vanilla realms averaged about 25,000 accounts per realm, with 2500 to 3000 concurrent depending on time period.
Would need a lot of data on login/playsession habits to know for sure.

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Thanks for the input. my info is strictly based on census data… for example early reports showed ‘Whitemane’ server having 76,000 players (total characters). then later I saw a census 18,000 RAIDING players (all time) and most recently (in past 2 weeks) 12,000 Raiding players. Whitemane is the largest server population and active raiders. I was comparing ‘maximum’ of what we have NOW as the most a server could handle with current parameters… and over time as players quit or real life takes them back… it would drop to the ‘ideal’ so… up front ‘too many’ over time …aaahhh just right :slight_smile:

This is an invalid argument. Blizzard allowed the servers to be overwhelmed by offering paid transfers to these realms even after they were offering free transfers off of these realms. It is ridiculous to implement layering and server locks without offering free transfers. Additionally, Blizzard never should have allowed paid transfers to high pop realms. Will they learn from their mistakes?

pretty sure when they opened the free outbound transfers, they shut off the inbound ones, that ran for about a week.

My realm could have comfortably fit quite a number of people, but no one much came.

No one ever wants to transfer to where there is plenty of room really.
They want to go to where there is no room.


This is not correct for Sulfuras. They only recently closed paid transfers (I believe when they locked the server last week). I’m not sure when they removed the free transfer option, but it’s been a while.

Sulfuras is not layered is it?
Is it like Grobb?

Yes, Sulfuras is layered and locked.

Ah, i was thinking maybe it went through what grobb did
where they got this massive influx of people suddenly, they had to lock grobb due to it, but they did not have to layer it as of yet.