Layers Added to Realms -- Updated 2:00 p.m. PDT June 5

Just make layering on Tuesdays on every high pop sever then turn it off the other days

what about a layer for the bot’s I’m sure they hate getting killed all the time it’s not like you’ll ban them

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It would be nice if Blizzard would actually do something about the ridicules population instead of reenabling layering. Layering just sucks.


Bots bro!! Too many bots.

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i believe this is due to companies located around the globe that sell gold for real money.

do a search on google or something for “classic wow gold”. there are pages and page and pages of websites selling gold / items / accounts for real money

Any chance we could get an update on what your investigation found, and how it differs from the exact same situation we are seeing now?


Unfortunately, blizzard didn’t give the oce region much of a choice at launch and they were VERY slow to act on it…

Well, this aged well. Round and round we go.

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I would appreciate that very much.

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Yeah, it’s a mystery. WHY ARE THE QUEUES HAPPENING?!??!!?

What is PDT time? What’s wrong with GMT like the rest of the world.

It’s quite possibly the feeling of ‘missing out’. We know that queues happen when certain realms (Arugal for instance) are unlayered, so people on those servers instead commit more time to WoW to compensate for the fact they might not always be able to play when they want to, this in turn, makes queues longer, which in turn makes people commit even more time to WoW, in a self-fueling Cycle that quickly spirals out of control.

In essence, removing layers is driving up player activity out of fear of ‘missing out’. Of course, enabling transfers to these previously layered servers didn’t help. (Especially on OCE where Arugal was the only server with AQ open)


There are many players with 2-3 accounts. Each player will log in early and will remain logged in in fear that they will be put in queue. Add up those accounts and boom 5 hour queue.

I’m sure allowing transfers to the only OCE with gates open the same day Blizzard removed layers didn’t help any.

And here we go again. What excuses are you going to use for the multi hour queues this time Blizz?

dang you got me all excited. who necrod this >.>

I wish Blizzard would just come out and say they want people to move off the mega servers and won’t be turning layering back on. This is obviously their end goal. People will never move as long as layers are in place.

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While i agree with you shadows this is all the results of blizzard poor planning on release.

Originally we had 1 pvp oceanic server. obviously every one is gonna run to that. realms where added later to help overflow. By then guilds where established and it was too late. They increased the realm caps of the 3 “biggest” realms and excluded Arugal. They said they had the data to delayer realms safely. we have 1000 people queues at 1pm on a TUESDAY. If people wan’t to raid at 7:30 they need to login at 4:30.

Mistake after mistake from blizzard basically leads me to believe they’re so out of touch with their community & are running classic like a keyturn for max profits.

Right now we have an average of 3000 person queue at peak. and we don’t even have the option of free transfers???

Not to mention 25% ATLEAST of the realm capacity is being used up by hundred of mages botting in strath etc. Which again was a bad move by blizzard to add tokens to WoW CN. so now we have an influx of chinese bot farms on our realm

I kept my character logged in all day yesterday only to find that my BWL run wasn’t going to happen because others didn’t have time to do the same.

Logging in 5 hours early is an unreasonable ask.

Paying Blizzard more money to fix their mistake is not going to happen. Even if transfers were free we have built a community here that we like.

It wasn’t broken, why did you feel the need to fix it?


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Yes, Blizzard screwed up the launch by not having enough servers. The name reservations should have made this abundantly clear. That doesn’t change the fact that people still have personal responsibility for their own situation though.

People have the option to move to lower population servers. It may not be an ideal option, but it is one non the less. If people chose to not do so, that’s on them.

I mean given all the stories about low pay / awful work conditions at blizzard its no surprise their data isn’t correct. Half their staff are probably depressed and are more interested in finding out where their next meal is coming from then helping Kotick buy another yacht