Arugal (OCE) is going to be a disaster at launch

don’t be silly… no one is going to work or school that day. lol. all jokes a side, if we see queues at 8am, just imagine what 8pm will be like.


care factor of zero, if i wait in line all day im not stressed. Most important part is that it has happened to start with.


I quite like the fact we only have one realm. It avoids the whole faction stacked Frostmourne-Barthilas scenario.


I agree. One of each realm really focuses the OCE playerbase together. All the best PvPers will be together and all the best Raiders will be together and the whole community will be packed together and it will be wonderful.
There’s also going to be a great rivalry between the two for PvE progress and PvP prowess when BG’s come out as we’ll (hopefully) only have the 2 realms in our queues.


no, 1 populated server is better


Ideally there will only have to end up being one pvp server, but once layering is gone there is definitely going to be two. I predict a 2nd server within the first week as it is inevitably going to be full and stay full whether people prefer it or not.

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Lol… Yeah it’s cute to relive 2004 again for a day or two… Not forever. If it’s full they will release another server because people actually want to play a game they pay for.

True, im just happy it has started. I think you are correct in what you have posted.


Yeah NAH. Full Server FTW. Deal with the queues for a couple of weeks. To see Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms FULL out in the open world will be amazing and perhaps never to be repeated. I want it to last and last. We’ve had enough of ghost town Azeroth for the last 10 years.


The aus PvP server is 58% horde 42% allies

According to a small sample size I saw so take that with a grain of salt

It’s a nappie, btw

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Just the 1 pvp server for Oceania at launch please.


I admit, at first I thought us having only one of each type would be a problem, but I think it is an opportunity rather than a negative. While we could see a faction imbalance, I see it as a challenge. If it looks like the balance is swinging to one side, I plan to make a toon on the other side and I hope many other Oceanic players will do the same. We have the opportunity to control how the server plays and I don’t think anyone wants to see a madly unbalanced game. For Oceanic Classic, it will be up to us to manage the server and create an enjoyable playing field for everyone.



LOL i feel we are on the same paths hahaha

That’s really rude of you. Are all PVE players so mean spirited? I only like to play PVP realms simply because they are more exciting to travel the world in. I’m a role player that tries to stay in character as a peaceful druid, only defending never attacking. Also, I keep my channel talk civilized and respectful. Please don’t be so polarizing and offensive in your description of other player groups.


Hmmmm. I think you may be onto something there…

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It’s the truth. If you’re a toxic, trolling person you’ll be known about quickly on our server. We have a separate Discord server for Remulos which is invite only.

It’s not rude to say we don’t want people to come along and play by all means feel free to but reputations are a thing now with Classic and you’ll be quickly identified as a troll, toxic or a spammer on our server.


I stayed on Blackrock Horde even when OCE servers were up. I was thinking of playing on West coast US server, but I think it might be time to finally say goodbye to a higher ping. One PVP server sounds amazing… -Esp. when AV rolls out.


Yes, it does sound amazing.

If they are still planning on removing layering in phase 2, which I really REALLY hope they are, then we will 100% need at least one other PvP server. Regardless of queue times, the world will be so far beyond packed, it will be ridiculous.