Layering will be removed in phase 2

Continuing the discussion from Overcrowded Realm Update:

So they are serious about this. They are actually removing layering in phase 2. In phase 2, we will get the full authentic vanilla experience. Nice.


Let’s be precise here.

This is not correct. They are removing layering before Phase 2. That means in Phase 1. This statement in no way claims that Layering will last all of Phase 1.


If removed during phase 1, great. If removed at all at some point, also great. The sooner the better imo.


They’ve actually said this before that layering will be gone before phase 2.

The problem is some people just wont believe them when they say that. They think Blizzard will look at overpopulated realms and go “Well I guess we just can’t turn layering off”.

They don’t think they’ll turn to massive queues when time comes to flick the switch on layering.


Guess i won’t need this pitchfork. I’ll keep it handy just in case.


The said this from day 1

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Hay need’s a bailing!


I’m fixing the fence. Ed’s on the tractor. Bobby is bailing. Lol.

They have not announced when they will have phase 2 as they have not decided yet, need to bring this up.

Wow, it’s almost like we knew they were removing layering because they made a post months ago that can be found here:

That said:

Layering will only be used for a couple of weeks or maybe a month at the start of Classic WoW, in order to balance the huge influx of players in the same zones. Once the situation reaches a controlled state, it will be completely disabled and realms will once more have one instance of themselves.

Who knew?!


I saw that. So they don’t even think it will go away by itself “in a few weeks” now.

Color me surprised that Blizzard moved the bar.

But no one knows when phase 2 comes out…could be months.


So they will wait for population to go down after 3 months. What if it doesnt go down?

Let’s hope they don’t delay removing it because of all those fools stacked on Herod.

To be clear, the only failing on Blizzard’s part is that they have never actually made a blue post clearly detailing layering, and all that we know of it, comes from word of mouth interviews with the devs where they remain vague.

That post is by WoWHead, and the video is an interview of a dev.

However, if you want to stick it to the pessimists:

Timestamp: 6:00:

We’re going to continue that process over the first few weeks, till eventually we will collapse down, and we promise we will do this a few weeks in, to a single world per realm, no sharding, none of that going forward.

What if it does?

Saying “What happens if, beyond all rational expectation, the absolute worst case happens?” is fine. Planning around that eventuality to the expense of the rational range of cases, is madness.

Now you can finally stop all your whining about layering on the forums. Just stay away from classic until it’s actually removed like everyone’s been telling you in all your dooms sayer posts.

Doom saying post? That’s quite the exaggeration.

I am so excited about this.
Though the doomsaying comment was ridiculous.

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