Layering - What am I missing?

This a great point.

I wonder, though, if the community will even have been established yet by the time layering stops.

That implies there will be no horde shutting down Redridge on the other layers. Categorically false.


Short lived in the grand scheme of Classic yes. Most of this will turn into VERY short turn gains to level up and have more materials for doing raids early on thus saving the guild money. That being said that savings is only going to be to the people that get the goods. The overall market is still going to function as normal. Transmute items are still going to cost more and stockpiles slowly used up or sold for profit.

Could be, i would expect that most people would literally just sit on the stockpiles if they are in guilds and wait to use them in places like BWL or AQ. In the long run i dont think any of these extra mats will actually come to market and guilds who didnt power level will still need the mats.

This wont change for sure. The Macro level impact to the game will be short lived overall as the gearing associated with the first month will hardly last past MC for most people.

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Who is more crazy, people accepting any change blizz makes to a Classic (please read the denifition of classic in the dictionary) or people who question blizzard decision while resorting to actual arguments and evidence from beta as opposed to ad hominem like you. Think about it Loona.


You will see people and level with them. You will know peopl in your range simply because you have ran with them before. As one of the people with too much time on there hands and level in beta showed me, you get to know the people around you very quickly.

Of course the top is a lonely place for the most part but the funnel down is always there as well. You still see the same people comming on looking for runs (why they want to run RFC i will never understand). Names and banter is still going on in gchat and other places.

Looking at the AH you start to see your rivals that are undercutting you or selling that bag for 3 times what its actually worth. While you may not see the entire community every time you log in, that is not to say you dont know they exsist and will never play with them.

…this is precisely why I don’t understand all the controversy.

I’m not judging those who have a problem with layering. The things that trouble them about it just don’t bother me. In the grand scheme of things, it just doesn’t seem to matter, except maybe to the ultra competitive players.


Fans want the game to be the best it can but but in the end they are still fanatics.


People are worried that it will

A. Cause abuse for farming mats like black lotus and ruin the economy.

B. Mean blizzard expects the population to drop by 90% after the first month.

Both of which I don’t see happening. First off layering will be out by phase 2 at the latest. There also won’t be an infinite amount of layers that you are free to jump between at will. The only way to get to another layer is to be invited by someone you know is in another layer. It also requires there to be enough players online for there to be multiple layers. Also by the time layering is out most players won’t even be 60. This isn’t something that’s gunna be in the game a year from now.

Regarding population they aren’t expecting 90% of players to quit after the first week. Players spread out naturally over time. Not just in zones(which has no effect on layering btw because the entire world is 1 layer not just a zone) but in play time. Everyone is gunna be playing at launch so you might have 30k players on the server at the same time. But after a few days people will play on their own schedule. For example I might not be able to play on Tuesday nights, but you can. So while there might still be around 20k players on one server they won’t all be online at the same time like at launch, reducing the number of layers needed.

And for farming mats the number of layers, and therefore the number of available nodes, is proportional to number of players online. So yes there will be more black lotus spawns, but also more players to farm them. So I don’t see it being much of an issue.

I understand why people are worried about it, I just don’t see it being as big of an issue as some think it will be.


If it stays(some players think that blizz will keep it forever) someone could figure out how to farm certain mats in early zones possibly. Or rare spawns. This could disrupt server economics.

They could figure ways out to escape higher level players on pvp servers possibly. Who knows the implications really? Wow classic will be out for likely at least 2 years before we get a BC server. During this time people that like to discover advantages through exploitative means will find them.

We have known from the start we are not getting vanilla. We are getting Classic. That is vanilla + modern infrastructure. That means layering if Blizzard deems it necessary. Like it or not.

The “evidence” from the beta is in a vacuum. In a live environment, where there are full layers of players with similar goals, that evidence crumbles.


You know we are on good terms.

You bring up a completely other topic for me though.

If people on a PVP server, which some keep trying to tell us is the pure game, avoid a group, then, why are they on a PVP server?

hehe I could see it now.

Guy1 on forum: You suck at wow if you dont play on a pvp server.
Guy1 in RR. . oh crap here they come. . /g someone invite me so I can layer



This entire premise is wrong. 5 layers supporting 15,000 players is no different in 1 server with no layers supporting 15,000 players. You have just as much likelihood of grouping with anyone.

5 servers 3,000 players per server supporting 15,000. That is where you NEVER group with others from different servers. At least not until they are all dead servers getting hit with combined realm.

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OH NO!, they know that trick and followed… illusion of exploitation broken.


You first have to prove that the abuse is abuse, cause evey example that has been shown has been negligible and causes far less impact than not having layering.


because layering can ruin the economy in that limited time
even if its only for a week, it can have pretty bad and noticeable effects on the economy for months after layering is over

Mostly because people just don’t understand the issues that layering solves and choose to over amplify the relatively minor issues it causes, especially if it’s only short term.


Wierd cause I ran from the NE zone all the way through dun Morogh to SW multiple times and saw players everywhere except for menithal harbor, only saw 1 person there. Pretty sure I was also on 15 as well.

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No it cant… please learn basic economics before you make statements like this.

Bro. It’s the layers. Or have you missed the whole concept of what layering means…

The moment my guild or chat says there’s PvP somewhere and I show up and it’s in a different layer, I may feel like quitting. Nothing ruins the game quite like that.