Layering removed on a select few servers; Grobbulus is now using two layers

Source: Realm Layering Update

They’ll be adding an indicator on the server list to show which servers still use layers.

Now that most of the tourists have quit it’s only a matter of time until Grobbulus will use only one layer for the entirety of the realm.


The original plan was to bring every server to just one layer, right?

Yes, that’s correct.

one more to go.

Excited to see how the devilsaur mafia is created the moment layers are gone.

Looking forward to the layers being gone, scarcity finally being an actual thing, and the economy not being such absolute dog crap.

Hope everyone has gotten their epic mounts and their professions settled at this point :wink:

I’ll be glad when layers are gone. I don’t hate them on principle, because I’m glad that the realms are going to be relatively full after the dust settles. But mechanically, they sure do complicate things and sometimes wreck the immersiveness of the world.

I don’t think we ever needed layers to begin with. I’m glad they’ll be gone.

The people shilling for DD and it’s greatness are not the sort of people who will let a silly things like facts keep them from talking.