Layering: not rocket science

Fair point, but they didn’t appear in the same spot on a different layer, because layers were not a thing.

People logging in is obviously different than someone standing in one spot and phasing into existence in that same spot in a different copy of that same area.

Well, to go down your list…

  • People logging in or out - They have to actually go to that spot in your world and log off first, and log in again in that exact spot. They can’t log out, move around, then log in at a different spot, which is akin to what layering allows.
  • Getting disconnected - Same as above.
  • Accepting a BG queue - You are being pulled into a different zone, not the same zone. From my memory, leaving the BG would then put you back at the battlemaster, too, so it was one-way.
  • Being summoned by a warlock - A spell literally designed to summon people to your spot. Not at all the same as people standing in the same spot as you but being totally invisible, but suddenly appearing, or suddenly disappearing into the same spot on a different layer.

Because the things you listed do not double, triple, quadruple, and so on, the world and its resources.

Realms would be the closest thing to that, but the realms cannot interact with each other in the way the different layers can.

What a stupid argument. That doesn’t mean others won’t, and that it won’t have an obvious impact on the gameplay.

That argument is about as dumb as saying it’s okay to have NPCs that give full best in slot because you don’t have to use them.

Which does not mean others won’t also be phasing in and out of existence because of layering. If someone, in my guild or otherwise, is standing in the same spot as me, I’d like to be able to see them.


Yet the supply is ALWAYS higher than the demand in an MMO. Why do you think prices of goods go down over time, not up?

Consumption and production are not 1:1, especially in an MMO.

Exactly, which was my point. Layering is not just about allowing more players onto a server concurrently. There is more to its purpose than that.

Which is the complaint we’re making. What part of that was unclear?

No one is complaining about the game version they’re using, because ultimately it doesn’t impact the game at all outside of back-end stuff that the end-user never really experiences.

A close recreation on the modern client would NOT include layering.

Yes, with some changes we hate. Such as layering.

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