Layering issues

So you don’t know? :slight_smile:

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I don’t have to know for the vids to be outdated. Still waiting to be informed by said vids on the latest changes.

Unlikely because the beta is going the way of the dodo.

Because layering doesn’t matter to them. If it did, they’d be in there making their vids down to the last minute

In the end it’s Blizz problem. It would be really cool for the game to be good but if not then there are literary hundreds of unplayed games for several lifetimes in my steam acc :slight_smile:

Blizzard’s problem is pserver admins pirating their intellectual property. Classic is the solution. Classic’s problem is tourists flooding servers then vacating them leaving them with low populations. Layering is that solution.

Problem solved.

Move on to your steam games if you can’t handle Blizzard’s solutions. Not a big deal.


Exactly what I said.

You know layer coming and you know where your steam account is.

I’m getting the impression that you are somehow upset?

Nope, but if you feel the need to have the last word. Stop hitting that little reply button or I will reply back.

Guys, layering is even worse than we thought. I went into a dungeon and it was just me. I left and joined a group and went back in and I hopped layers to their dungeon! I was even talking to other people on other layers who were also in the dungeon!

This is completely killing my immersion and hurts the community to have people separated like this, there’s only one SFK and everyone shouldn’t be able to abuse the system to get their own private SFK! Layering has to go!



If they haven’t played since vanilla, they won’t even notice layering. This myth that stuff will be flickering in and out like a disco strobe light is hilarious. The only people who will notice are a couple of psychopaths staring at an herb for hours … “there it is … did you see it?? did you see that? no??? I am pretty sure I saw it! This game is trash!!!” lol


You might have just framed out a new hashtag.

#NotVanilla meaning it’s not vanilla enough for me!

Thanks for the good laugh on that one :smile:

On the topic, we’ve got a thread going that shows just when and how you can expect to see transitions happening when playing the game.

When you think about all the situations that can cause transitions as you group up with people/as player population shifts during certain playtimes and so on, there’s an uncanny amount of poofing out happening as you play.

I even made a video on this myself (the SI:7 K9 one), which shows how quickly (and visibly) your layer can die out if the action is on another layer that isn’t yours.
Of course it was a big event example as it was on the Stress Test, but we’re gonna have those ingame too and also on smaller scales it will be noticable regularly, especially during the early leveling phase where there’s a ton of people playing in questing areas.

I said some time ago, the moment you actually play the game, and see this in action, you’ll know what i’m talking about. The videos can give you a good idea on what it’s gonna look like, but when you experience the shifts yourself in game just by playing you’ll know what i mean.

At first, just by reading and so on, i figured it can’t be so disruptive given their explanation. But layering worked very accurately in the tests, and i got to use it just like they said i would. And it shifted me out at moments that made sense given their explanations. The only problem was: It was a terrible experience, because it’s very disruptive to the world and social interactions.

Idk if you have a stress test inv, but if you do, i can recommend to go see for yourself there what it’s really like with layering.

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Sorry bud, we already lost on that front. It certainly doesn’t help that there is a significant chunk of rabid fanboys and hopeless addicts too invested in Blizzard and their products to simply walk away. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if a solid chunk of the same people defending layering and other inauthentic changes are also the same retail babies and casuals who did nothing but naysay the very idea of classic and spam the Wall of No only to change their tune after it was announced because these people are apathetic and don’t care about the implications and aren’t as passionate about the game and holding Blizz to their word as people like me are. MOST, NOT ALL, but MOST of the people defending these changes are likely only interested in trying Classic because it’s trendy and they only like what their peers and corporate marketing tells them they should like and to hell with anyone who doesn’t like what they like or dares to criticize it.

This a problem with the gaming community in general. Ever since gaming became a mainstream mass market the quality of the community has gone downhill as the companies appeal to an easily exploitable and gullible audience. Why wouldn’t they? Shareholder Capitalism encourages this kind of behavior. The apathetic casual masses are where the money is and because they aren’t as passionate they more easily fall into the trap of fanboyism and the rampant tribalism that plagues the community. These people’s lives are so empty and devoid of meaning that they feel the need to attach their identity to the products they buy and the brands that make them in search of self-worth and validation.

People also forget that Blizzard as we knew them hasn’t existed since as recent as 2014. Morhaime’s firing should have been the final indicator that the Blizzard we see in front of us today is just Activision masquerading as one the most well known and well liked game developers in history.

There are 2 REAL reasons layering is on the table

  1. To appeal to streamers and give them an abusable mechanic to avoid stream snipers and appeal to the tourists defending this.

  2. To cut corners and save on costs.

I don’t doubt the classic team is passionate and WANTS to give us the “authentic Vanilla experience, warts and all” hey promised, but let’s be real upper management isn’t gonna let them without a fight because they WANT classic to fail unless it can bring in the numbers shareholders demand. The suits are going to engage in any executive meddling they can get away with to cut down on costs and prime Classic for eventual retailization. The fact that Classic is a shared sub and not a separate one should tell you everything you need to know about the intentions of the suits at Actiblizzion.

Acting like Blizz can do no wrong and shielding them from criticism is not going to help because again, this is 2019 NuBlizz, not the 2005 Blizz of old. I myself may or may not try out Classic, but I fully expect executive meddling to ruin it so I may very well be busy playing Shadowbringers instead.


High post count is not that hard when you don’t alt hop much. Wonder what your total post count is across all of your alts…

I think it more likely some of the constant complainers are the competition’s paid trolls to stir the pot.

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Oh i wish i’d get paid to do this lol. But as it is, all i want is a great game for everyone who loves old WoW.
If that game, Classic, ends up being released in it’s dignified state that’s worth all the trouble for me. And if not, well, that’s sucks but at least i tried :stuck_out_tongue:

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Don’t we all! This dang love cap. Come on blizz remove the love cap or increase it. The love cap is antithetical to community!
At least get rid of this pop up!

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This +14 lol.

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That’s easy. I’ll grab a couple beers and go watch some TV until everyone else moves on, then log in in the AM and play. Hell after level 13-18 (depending on horde or alliance) you have fricken instances to level in. Not exactly hard to grind instances for levels. Either way by day 2 or 3, no matter how crowded it is there is no issue.

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