Layering issues

I like you too Kurwen. You’re a good guy.

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While anyone with a brain can see that layering has flaws, the vast majority of them are vastly over rated. First there is that idiotic video going around called “9 minutes of layering effecting game play” or something like that. It’s almost all bugs that have already been fixed in beta, but no one cares. They just keep linking it over and over again because hating on layering is trendy.

Second, things like layer swapping to gather nodes… this is just silly in my humble opinion. There is no guarantee that the iron node you are so desperate to tap is even available on another node, but even if it is… in the time it takes to swap layers you could just run 20 feet down the road and mine a different one. This is the most overblown layering “exploit”.

As far as getting ganked… how realistic is that you are going to have a bunch of different friends on different layers that can manipulate the layering system to get out of pvp? Sure it is possible, but unless you are going to great lengths to make a youtube video it is wildly impractical.

I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that the rhetoric around layering is pushing the agenda far more than the actual mechanics of layering.


Tusky. You’re awesome.


Beta’s over. You’re getting Layering. The only things we can do now are suggest tweaks, or you can not play until it’s gone which will help it go away faster.


Thats what my mother would say ^

You tell em, mom!

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You know how some people get really upset when just their class receives big changes?

Now imagine people coming back to Classic, to play in exactly that old world again, with it’s own communities.
Except it’s all changed, as a new mechanic (layering) is introduced to make you even be able to interact with your own now way overpopulated realm, and the new multiple worlds added to it to accommodate the masses of players allowed in.

They changed the world/community aspect, and are looking to do so for weeks or months… No. This isn’t the game i’m looking forward to. It needs to be whole to stay the same. 1 World with it’s own community, or else it’s not Classic.

It’s gotta be “WORLD of Warcraft” not “WorldS of Warcraft, sponsored by the Bronze Dragonflight”.


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Look it’s the same 3 Blizzard PR guys from all the other threads.

How about you guys tell your bosses they need to fix their crap?


You don’t know that.

You too don’t know that.


Paid damage control is old stuff on AAA forums. Of course exposing with definite proofs happens rarely (albeit super fun when it happens).


They should at least be smart enough to hide post counts though.
10599 posts
4906 posts

Right like anyone not getting paid is going to spend that much time on a forum. LOL


High post number doesn’t mean much, everyone can post from multiple accounts.

This is funny the poster says your gonna be in a layer by yourself and shut out from a world of people… there will still be people on your layer and guarantee you’ll still run into people you’ll have to group with to do quests, cuz they are in the same area as you. It’s just for when you quest and level. You will still have full interaction with the world, in chats and guilds, and can still group, I don’t think anyone on classic wow has walked into a quest area and gone, oh I wish more people were here competing with me for this drop quest…I’d much rather one extremely populated server, with lots of layers, than a bunch of servers where 3/4th will go dead. I am in closed beta, and when it dies around level cap and you can’t get groups for anything it sucks. Nobody wants their hard work they put in for a 60 to go to waste cuz their server dies 3 months later, cuz people lose interest. That’s exactly what’s gonna happen to.

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Let’s see how much you enjoy WOW Classic unchanged on release day, when there are 300 people in your starting zone and you can’t find a mob to kill to progress and can’t level your guy, or enjoy the game because of it. They have to fix bottlenecking some how because there will be thousands of people on release day ready to play, but we’ll let you play on that non layered server, and I’ll play on the layered one and enjoy the game. This may be your opinion but I know tons of people that love classic wow but will not come back to it unless there are some tweaks that are well needed, like layering and other stuff to modernize it. As long as nothing big is changed, it’s definitely still classic, but without the headache. You will still have 1 World with it’s own community cuz there will not be shards or cross servers, this is just a change to make the game playable and more enjoyable, why can’t the classic wow nahtzi’s understand this?

No one particularly wants layering, but most reasonable people understand it’s the lesser of two evils, especially if the alternative is dead servers.

Would you rather temporary layering, the aggressiveness of which remains to be seen, or permanent/long-term dead servers? I think the choice is clear.

Dude dont bother.

All the white knight shills will tell you its JUST beta and that layering will work in Classic.

Yet if the platform used to test said layering never actually had 3000 people on the server, yet had multiple layers. Then it proves at this single point in time that layering does not work.

I’m not saying it couldn’t ever work. But in it’s current form does not work. Clearly, based off results of beta.

Get ready for a horrible launch. Because beta was used to promote the game. Not actually test it. And when a large majority of bugs in beta layering make it’s way into Classic layering it will be a fun day on the forums.

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Yes, yes I do. Zero vids on the latest layering changes.

You’ll still have a full servers population in the starting zones with layering.

The only way to try circumvent that rush (which btw, i’m looking forward to immensely cause it’s the old MMORPG style experience), is by getting an inv to a layer that’s less filled.
Which of course people are gonna exploit to no end, cause as you demonstrate in your post, there’s plenty of people who aren’t ready for the old games ways and will feel like giving up the moment they struggle to collect wolf as* at their own convenience.

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There’s a clip of Asmon encountering the layering cd on his stream (the latest version of layering):

Yup, this is definitely better. This is the Classic experience. Everything is fine.

Layering is fine.
:fire: :tophat::fire:
:fire: :dog::fire:

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You seem quite knowledgeable then. What was fixed that before was shown as broken?

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If Blizzard posted patch notes for the beta I’d link them. The latest reported change to layering is a layer hopping debuff.

Which greatly alters how layering “abuse” impacts Classic.